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1、rious niche players emerge in later years, more threat than (carrier) opportunity for CNC - 11 - China Netcom - The Boston Consulting Group -Confidential-Destroy by Shredding-45034-05-Interim-14Dec99-TZD-gx-SHI MARKETING STRATEGY Principles: For local access, will target medium and large businesses

2、in targeted buildings For backbone, provide carrier services For international, support other businesses and also offer IDD and refiling, etc. In all areas, emphasize quality, service, end to end, etc. Get a few key customers early; prove ourselves and then build further Assumptions: Carrier and lar

3、ge and medium sized corporations are the key focus -especially those in telecom-intensive industries Assume a growing demand for business telecom services -will need both high and low growth scenarios Need to validate the willingness of key customers to switch, and their anticipated areas of future

4、demand growth IP phone still the source of revenue in the near future Dial-up ISP (171) may conflict with ISP carrier interests, but could also serve as strategic inroad for future 3G(1) (1) Not in scope of this project - 12 - China Netcom - The Boston Consulting Group -Confidential-Destroy by Shred

5、ding-45034-05-Interim-14Dec99-TZD-gx-SHI CONTENT Key strategic principles Regulatory overview Market overview Competition overview Business models Next steps - 13 - China Netcom - The Boston Consulting Group -Confidential-Destroy by Shredding-45034-05-Interim-14Dec99-TZD-gx-SHI REGULATORY HIGHLIGHTS

6、 Our key assumptions: MII regards CNCs IP-based license as Full Service license, but lacks clear regulatory documentation. In case of local interpretation difference, MII is willing to clarify on behalf of CNC -e.g. ambiguity on local fixed line (CNC number) CNC will be granted International Gateway

7、 license by 1Q 2000 CNC IP network protected by the current fixed/mobile interconnect regulation CNC not required to meet specific coverage targets for the near future (2-3 years) The market will be opened up gradually, with FDI increasing: -more value added service providers by 2003 -more I-Phone p

8、roviders by 2001 -no new Full Service providers till 2004/2005 Account settlement specific for I-Phone will be regulated after the trial stage ends. It will be lower than the RMB0.14/min rate for basic telecom networks on a per call basis Equal access by prefix/pre-select in 1 year; number portabili

9、ty may take another 1-2 years at least CNC will have LMDS spectrum CNC anticipates a well-intentioned regulator, with varied degrees of control over local incumbent practice None of these assumptions are “guaranteed;” CNC must fight aggressively for them - 14 - China Netcom - The Boston Consulting G

10、roup -Confidential-Destroy by Shredding-45034-05-Interim-14Dec99-TZD-gx-SHI KEY REGULATORY ISSUES AND IMPLICATIONS Service licenses Full Service license interpretation Interconnect enforcement Account settlement Pricing and rebalancing ROW and access Frequency spectrum allocation and fees Universal

11、Service Obligation Equal Access Numbering and portability IGW license important to competitiveness, size of customer base and # of partners MII notification on each instance adds delay to CNC local interconnection Time to market in each city affected, detract CNC resources Future Interconnect econom

12、ics Future price competitiveness vs. other players (e.g. CT) economics; price competitiveness vs. CT Case-by-case local coordination and negotiation delay local access build-out; may also be expensive to obtain Time to market for local access build-out by LMDS access solutions Subsidizing incumbent

13、for USO affect cost structure of new entrants Unable to reach CT local line customer Medium term implication: on-net voice not targeted for the near 4-5 years 3 full service carrier including CNC More licenses for value-added service providers (type II) MII supports CNC IP based license as Full Serv

14、ice License But lack of clear documentation may cause confusion at local level Based on cooperation of carriers Arbitration/settlement process exist but time consuming Mild punishment, law suit as last resort For current IP-phone trial, fees not settled Likely future settlement: LD carrier pays loca

15、l PSTN operator RMB0.14/min Price floor likely specified for incumbent by regulation No imminent initiative for rebalancing Legally feasible for public telecom carrier (e.g. CNC) Practice will have to coordinate with municipalities and infrastructure building Controlled by MII in co-ordination with

16、PTAs Frequency not likely to be auctioned USO for incumbent with contribution from new entrant 2-3 years before transparent and equitable approach Prefix based solution provided by regulation in 1 year Number as national resources controlled centrally Fee will be collected for occupation of number r

17、esource 2-3 years before portability regulations Impact on CNC Highest/ Immediate High/ Medium Term Key issuesAssumptionImplication to CNC - 15 - China Netcom - The Boston Consulting Group -Confidential-Destroy by Shredding-45034-05-Interim-14Dec99-TZD-gx-SHI KEY REGULATORY BODIES AND RESPONSIBILITI

18、ES Other depts, e.g SETC Various law making bodies NPC State Council Dept. of Radio Frequency Administration Telecom Administration Bureau Other depts. Provincial Telecom Administration Bureau China Telecom National Company Municipal Level Telecom Administration Bureau Telecom Operating Entities: e.

19、g. CT fixed line Provincial government MII AdministrationOperations National Provincial Municipality Drafting, passing of telecom laws and statues, e.g. China Telecoms Law International, National and Inter-Provincial scope license granting Highest level of regulatory enforcement/ arbitration Interna

20、tional Gateway administration National level telecom resources control (e.g. numbers, frequency spectrums) Provincial level telecom administration Provincial level license granting Provincial level regulatory enforcement focus on coordination In the process of splitting operation and administration

21、A number of Municipal Level TABs are yet to be created Limited enforcement power Operation and administration not separate Settle interconnect and other disputes When not settled by provincial BCG analysis - 16 - China Netcom - The Boston Consulting Group -Confidential-Destroy by Shredding-45034-05-

22、Interim-14Dec99-TZD-gx-SHI KEY LICENSE ASPECTS AND IMPLICATION TO CNC Full Service and International Value added services ownership Geographic scope Duration license fees Performance targets Technology Key Aspects Number of licenses tightly controlled: at most 3 in 2003, including CNC CNC full servi

23、ce license expected 1Q 2000 International licenses tightly controlled: at most 4 in 2003, including CNC CNC IGW license expected by EOY1999 More than 4 value-added service licenses possible Control-share foreign ownership not allowed in basic teMBA 智库, 专注于经济管理领域垂直搜索MBA 智库, 专注于经济管理领域垂直搜索 波士顿矩阵波士顿矩阵(B

24、CG Matrix) 波士顿矩阵又称市场增长率-相对市场份额矩阵、波士顿咨询集团法、四象限分析法、产品系列结构管理法等 1、模型介绍、模型介绍 制定公司层战略最流行的方法之一就是BCG矩阵。该方法是由波士顿集团(Boston Consulting Group, BCG) 在上世纪 70 年代初开发的。BCG矩阵将组织的每一个战略事业单位(SBUs)标在一种 2 维的矩阵图上, 从而显示出哪个SBUs提供高额的潜在收益,以及哪个SBUs是组织资源的漏斗。BCG矩阵的发明者、波士 顿公司的创立者布鲁斯认为“公司若要取得成功,就必须拥有增长率和市场分额各不相同的产品组合。组 合的构成取决于现金流量的

25、平衡。”如此看来,BCG的实质是为了通过业务的优化组合实现企业的现金流 量平衡。 BCG 矩阵区分出 4 种业务组合。 (1)问题型业务(Question Marks,指高增长、低市场份额) 处在这个领域中的是一些投机性产品,带有较大的风险。这些产品可能利润率很高,但占有的市场份额很 小。这往往是一个公司的新业务,为发展问题业务,公司必须建立工厂,增加设备和人员,以便跟上迅速 发展的市场,并超过竞争对手,这些意味着大量的资金投入。“问题”非常贴切地描述了公司对待这类业务 的态度,因为这时公司必须慎重回答“是否继续投资,发展该业务?”这个问题。只有那些符合企业发展长 远目标、企业具有资源优势、能

26、够增强企业核心竞争力的业务才得到肯定的回答。得到肯定回答的问题型 业务适合于采用战略框架中提到的增长战略,目的是扩大 SBUs 的市场份额,甚至不惜放弃近期收入来达 到这一目标,因为要问题型要发展成为明星型业务,其市场份额必须有较大的增长。得到否定回答的问题 型业务则适合采用收缩战略。 如何选择问题型业务是用 BCG 矩阵制定战略的重中之重也是难点,这关乎企业未来的发展。对于增长战 略中各种业务增长方案来确定优先次序,BCG 也提供了一种简单的方法。通过下图权衡选择 ROI 相对高 然后需要投入的资源占的宽度不太多的方案。 MBA 智库, 专注于经济管理领域垂直搜索MBA 智库, 专注于经济管

27、理领域垂直搜索 (2)明星型业务(stars,指高增长、高市场份额) 这个领域中的产品处于快速增长的市场中并且占有支配地位的市场份额,但也许会或也许不会产生正现金 流量,这取决于新工厂、设备和产品开发对投资的需要量。明星型业务是由问题型业务继续投资发展起来 的,可以视为高速成长市场中的领导者,它将成为公司未来的现金牛业务。但这并不意味着明星业务一定 可以给企业带来源源不断的现金流, 因为市场还在高速成长, 企业必须继续投资, 以保持与市场同步增长, 并击退竞争对手。企业如果没有明星业务,就失去了希望,但群星闪烁也可能会闪花企业高层管理者的眼 睛,导致做出错误的决策。这时必须具备识别行星和恒星的

28、能力,将企业有限的资源投入在能够发展成为 现金牛的恒星上。同样的,明星型业务要发展成为现金牛业务适合于采用增长战略。 (3)现金牛业务(Cash cows,指低增长、高市场份额) 处在这个领域中的产品产生大量的现金,但未来的增长前景是有限的。这是成熟市场中的领导者,它是企 业现金的来源。由于市场已经成熟,企业不必大量投资来扩展市场规模,同时作为市场中的领导者,该业 务享有规模经济和高边际利润的优势,因而给企业带来大量现金流。企业往往用现金牛业务来支付帐款并 支持其他三种需大量现金的业务。现金牛业务适合采用战略框架中提到的稳定战略,目的是保持 SBUs 的 市场份额。 (4)瘦狗型业务(Dogs

29、,指低增长、低市场份额) 这个剩下的领域中的产品既不能产生大量的现金, 也不需要投入大量现金, 这些产品没有希望改进其绩效。 一般情况下,这类业务常常是微利甚至是亏损的,瘦狗型业务存在的原因更多的是由于感情上的因素,虽 然一直微利经营, 但象人养了多年的狗一样恋恋不舍而不忍放弃。 其实, 瘦狗型业务通常要占用很多资源, 如资金、管理部门的时间等,多数时候是得不偿失的。瘦狗型业务适合采用战略框架中提到的收缩战略, 目的在于出售或清算业务,以便把资源转移到更有利的领域。 Why BCG Matrix?BCG 矩阵的精髓在于把战略规划和资本预算紧密结合了起来,把一个复杂的企业行为 用两个重要的衡量指

30、标来分为四种类型,用四个相对简单的分析来应对复杂的战略问题。该矩阵帮助多种 MBA 智库, 专注于经济管理领域垂直搜索MBA 智库, 专注于经济管理领域垂直搜索 经营的公司确定哪些产品宜于投资,宜于操纵哪些产品以获取利润,宜于从业务组合中剔除哪些产品,从 而使业务组合达到最佳经营成效。 2、模型的重要假设、模型的重要假设 早在还没有提出BCG矩阵之前的 1966 年,波士顿公司通过实证研究获得了一个重要发现经验曲线。 经验曲线的基本结论是:“经验曲线是由学习、分工、投资和规模的综合效应构成的。”“每当积累的经验翻 一番,增值成本就会下降大约 20%到 30%。” “经验曲线本质上是一种现金流量

31、模式。”因为规模是学习与 分工的函数,所以可以用规模来代表经验曲线中的学习和分工成份。企业某项业务的市场份额越高,体现 在这项业务上的经验曲线效应也就越高,企业就越有成本优势,相应的获利能力就越强。按照波士顿公司 的经验,如果一个企业某项业务的市场份额是竞争者该项业务市场份额的两倍,那么这个企业在这项业务 上就具有较之竞争者 20-30%的成本优势。这就是BCG选取市场份额作为一个重要评价指标的原因所在。 BCG认为市场份额能导致利润,这其实就是“成本领先战略”。BCG一直认为规模优势很重要,BCG自己的 解释是市场份额大的公司不仅获得了更多的收入, 还实现了更高的单位运营利润, 优势在于更高

32、的价格 (边 际利润)、在广告和分销上更低的单位支出。 3、如何用模型来分析、如何用模型来分析 (1)评价各项业务的前景。BCG 是用“市场增长率”这一指标来表示发展前景的。这一步的数据可以从企 业的经营分析系统中提取。 (2)评价各项业务的竞争地位。BCG 是用“相对市场份额”这个指标来表示竞争力的。这一步需要做市场 调查才能得到相对准确的数据。计算公式是把一单位的收益除以其最大竞争对手的收益。 MBA 智库, 专注于经济管理领域垂直搜索MBA 智库, 专注于经济管理领域垂直搜索 (3) 表明各项业务在 BCG 矩阵图上的位置。 具体方法是以业务在二维坐标上的坐标点为圆心画一个圆圈, 圆圈的大小来表示企业每项业务的销售额。 到了这一步公司就可以诊断自己的业务组合是否健康了。一个失衡的业务组合就是有太多的狗类或问题类 业务,或太少的明星类和金牛类业务。例如有三项的问题业务,不可能全部投资发展,只能选择其中的一 项或两项,集中投资发展;只有一个现金牛业务,说明财务状况是很脆弱的,有两项瘦狗业务,这是沉重 的负担。 (4)确定纵坐标“市场增长率”的一个标准线,从而将“市场增长率”划分为高、低两个区域。 比较科学的方法有两种: A. 把该行业市场的平均增长


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