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八上第四单元 交往艺术新思维.doc

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1、 C.less展示交流: 看着Sally的照片,我能说出她五年前和现在的基本情况,并能预测她的将来。 Five years ago,Sally was in high school. She _soccer. She_a cat. Today, Sally_in college. She_the guitar. She _ a dog. In five years,she _ doctor. She_tennis and she_a happy family.合作探究: I can speak.What was Sally five years ago?_What did she play?_

2、What did she have?_? She is a college student._? She plays the guitar._?She has a dog._?_?_?_ 达标拓展:我也能写写自己。Five years ago, I was_. I played_.I had _. Today, I am_.I play_. I have_. In five years, I will be _.I will play _.I will have_.教学评价I用there be or have的适当形式填空。1. an English speech contest tomorr

3、ow.2 you an questions?3. no schools in this village 20 years ago.4. She a car and a house in 10 years . But now she nothing because she no money.5. some students and a teacher in the classroom.6. They a lot of housework to do every day.II用所给词的适当形式填空1. There (be) fewer cars in 100 years.2. She (be) 2

4、0 next month.3. the Browns (go) to Shanghai for vacation? Yes, they will. 4 There will be (few) birds in the future than now.5. Kids (study) at home on computers in 100 years.学后反思:丁湖中学八年级英语下册学案Unit 1 Will people have robots?Period Three (Section B 1a-2c)设计:丁修忠 审核:备课组学习目标:New words: astronaut,rocket,

5、space,fly,took,moonKey phrases: fly to, on a space station学习重难点:巩固will表示的一般将来时态。前置学习:I我能选词填空astronaut,space station,fly,take,moon1.Russia(俄罗斯) built a _many years ago. 2.People came to the_in 1969.3.My father_me to the park last Sunday. 4.She_to Hainan Island(岛) for vacation.5.Yang Liwei is the firs

6、t Chinese_.II我会选:1.They_the train_school yesterday. A.will take, to B.took, to C.take, to2.What will you be when you grow up? I think I will be_astronaut A.a B.an C.the3.Where does her mother live?She_Loudi. A.lives B.lives in C.will live in4.Mr Green_America in two days. A.flies to B.will fly to C.

7、flew to5. Ill live_a space station one day. A.in B.on C.at展示交流: 宇航员/航天员_飞行_(过去式:_)太空/空间_火箭_月亮/月球_在太空站_飞往_合作探究:Activity1a &1b Activity 2a&2b我们一起来表演对话吧。让我们谈论谈论关于Joe现在的、10年前的以及10年后的生活。A: Where do you live? B: I live in an apartment.A: What do you do? B: Im a computer programmer.A: Where did you live 10

8、 years ago? B: 达标拓展:与一般现在时,一般过去时,现在进行时的区别。1 I _ (be) a little kid ten years ago. I _ (be) a middle school student now.I _(be) a college student in five years.2 She_ (not have ) a pet parrot five years ago. She _( have) a parrot now.She _ (have ) a car in five years 3 People will live to be 100 years

9、 old in 100 years.(划线提问)_教学评价I根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. China will build our own s station. 2. Zhai Zhigang is an excellent a .3. People will visit other planets by r . 4. Tomorrow I will f to Beijing and have a meeting.5. The m goes round the earth.II.用所给词的适当形式填空1. He (live)in Weihai two years ago. 2. There

10、 (be)a year or two =one or two years 一两年 11.hold art exhibitions 举办艺术展览 12.make the soccer team 组建足球队 13.find a part-time job 找到一份兼职工作 14.play an instrument 弹奏乐器 15.make a resolution 制定计划 16.get letters from.=hear from 收到的来信 municate (better) with与(更好地)交流 18.move to搬到 19.a foreign language 一门外语 20.N

11、ew Years Resolutions 新年计划 21.study math really hard 刻苦认真地学习数学 22.practise doing sth. 练习做某事 23.at an art school 在艺术学校 24.exchange student 交换生 25.What are you going to be when you grow up 你长大了打算做什么 26.How are you going to do that 你打算怎样做 27.Im going to do what I want to do. 我要做自己想做的事. 28.Im going to mo

12、ve somewhere interesting. 我要搬到有趣的地方. 29.An old lady found a job as a foreign language teacher.一位老太太找了一份外语教师的工作. 30.I want to be a reporter for a fashion magazine. 我想当一名时装杂志的记者.31.last year 去年 32.this year 今年 33.next year 明年 34.talk with与交谈 35.athlete=player 运动员 36.love-loving/lovely 37.grandchild-gr

13、andchildren攘攘 Ca2 D以上答案都不对7正五角星的对称轴有( ) A1条 B2条 C5条 D10条二、填空题1设A,B关于直线EF对称,则AB_EF2关于直线EF对称的两个图形_(填“一定”或“不一定”)全等3在等腰ABC中,A=108,D,E是BC上的两点,且BD=AD,AE=EC,则图中共有_个等腰三角形4在ABC中,高AD,BE交于O点,且BO=AC,则ABC=_5等腰三角形有一底角的外角为105,那么它的顶角的度数为_6在ABC中,AB=AC,BAC=120,AB的垂直平分线交BC于D,且BD=10cm,则DC=_7在ABC中,A=78,点D,E,F分别在边BC,AB,A

14、C上,BD=BE,CD=CF,则EDF=_三、竞技平台1如图所示,AD是ABC的角平分线,且AC=AB+BD,C=30,求BAC的度数2如图所示,在ABC中,AB=AC,点O在ABC内,且OBC=OCA,BOC=110,求A的度数四、能力提高)1如图所示,在四边形ABCD中,对角线AC与BD相交于点E,若AC平分DAB,且AB=AE,AC=AD,求证DBC=DAB2如图所示,ABC中,已知B和C的平分线相交于点F,过点F作DEBC,交AB于点D,交AC于点E,若BD+CE=9,求线段DE的长3如图所示,AOP=BOP=15,PCOA,PDOA,若PC=4,求PD的长4如图所示,在ABC中,B=90,AB=BC,BD=CE,M是AC边的中点,求证DEM是等 腰三角形五、拓展创新1如图所示,ABC中,D,E在BC上,且DE=EC,过D作DFBA,交AE于点F,DF=AC,求证AE平分BAC2如图所示,等边三角形ABC中,AB=2,点P是AB边上的任意一点(点P可以与点A重合,但不与点B重合),过点P作PEBC,垂足为E,过E作EFAC,垂足为F,过F作FQAQ,垂足为Q,设BP=x,AQ=y (1)写出y与x之间的函数关系式; (2)当BP的长等于多少时,点P与点Q重合?9


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