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1、le for their offspring. 11 “the main job for the parents is to be there because if they start advising them what to do, that is when the conflict starts. If you have contacts, by all means use those,” she said. “ But a lot of parents get too soft. Put limits on how much money you give them, ask them

2、 to pay rent or contribute to the care of the house or the pets. Carry on life as normal and dont allow them to abuse your bank account or sap your reserves of emotional energy.” 12 paying for career consultations, train fares to interviews or books are good things; being too pushy is not. But while

3、 parents should be wary of becoming too soft, Lindenfield advises them to tread 踩sympathetically after a job setback for a few days or even weeks depending on the scale of the knock. After that the son or daughter needs to be nudged推动 firmly back into the saddle. 13 boys are more likely to get stuck

4、 at home. Lingenfield believes that men are often better at helping their sons, nephews, or friends sons than are mothers and sisters. Men have a different way of handling setbacks than women, she says, so they need the male presence to talk it through. 14 as for bar work, she is a passionate advoca

5、te: its a great antidote解毒剂 to graduate apathy冷漠. It just depends on how you approach it. Lindenfield, who found her first job as an aerial photographic assistant through bar work, says it is a great networking opportunity and certainly more likely to get you a job than lounging in front of the TV.

6、15 “The same goes for shelf-stacking. You will be spotted if youre good at it. If youre bright and cheerful and are polite to the customers, youll soon get moved on. So think of it as an opportunity; people who are successful in the long run have often got shelf-stacking stories,” she says. 16 your

7、son or daughter may not want to follow Hollywood stars such as Whoopi Goldberg into applying make-up to corpses尸体 in a mortuary太平间, or guarding nuclear power plants like Bruce Wills, but even Brad Pitt had to stand outside El Pollo Loco restaurant chain in a giant chicken suit at one time in his lif

8、e. None of them appears the poorer for these experiences.Danger! Books may change your life 1 Like Lewis Carrolls Alice, who falls into a rabbit hole and discovers a mysterious wonderland, when we pick up a book we are about to enter a new world. We become observers of life from the point of view of

9、 a person older than ourselves, or through the eyes of a child. We may travel around the globe to countries or cultures we would never dream of visiting in real life. Well have experiences which are new, sometimes disconcerting, maybe deeply attractive, possibly unpleasant or painful, but never less

10、 than liberating from the real world we come from. 2 The English poet William Cowper (17311800) said Varietys the very spice of life, / that gives it all its flavour although he neglected to say where or how we could find it. But we know he was right. We know we live in a world of variety and differ

11、ence. We know that people live various different lives, spend their time in various different ways, have different jobs, believe in different things, have different opinions, different customs, and speak different languages. Normally, we dont know the extent of these differences, yet sometimes when

12、something unusual happens to make us notice, variety and difference appear more as a threat than an opportunity. 3 Reading books allows us to enjoy and celebrate this variety and difference in safety, and provides us with an opportunity to grow. To interact with other peoples lives in the peace and

13、quiet of our homes is a privilege which only reading fiction can afford us. We even understand, however fleetingly, that we have more in common with other readers of books in other cultures than we might do with the first person we meet when we step out of our front doors. We learn to look beyond ou

14、r immediate surroundings to the horizon and a landscape f.New Standard English Book 4 Unit 1 Inside view Conversation 1 2. Janet : go back to China,do my masters (which means going back to university),live in London,become a teacher,work in publishing,apply for a job at London Time Off,update my CV

15、and look for jobs together. Andy: leave London,go to China,look for jobs together.3. the true statements are 2 and 8.Conversation 2 5. 1.Joe was a gofer before he became a researcher for Lift Off UK. 2.Andy wants Joes job as a producer.6. 1(d) 2(d) 3(a) 4(c)7. 1 Its not always very easy working with

16、 2.How did he end up in London 3.the least experienced person 4.Hes good at his job 5.Hes confident and very competent 6.I get on with him quite well Everyday English 8. 1(b) 2(b) 3(a) 4(a) 5(b)Outside view 2. the true statements Samantha agrees with are:1,2,3 and 4.4. 1.She needs to improve her int

17、erview techniques to help her to get a job 2.She doesnt know how to answer the questions and give answers that might lead her failure in a job interview. 3.She doesnt understand what the interviewer is actually looking for. 4.That you need to be well prepared for an interview. It boils down to prepa

18、ration,presentation and understanding what the interviewer is looking for.5. 1.professional job coach 2.research on the position and the company 3.having not practised with some of the questions 4.how you present yourself 5.what the interviewer is actually looking for 6.preparation,presentation and

19、understanding 7.in relationship to the job 8.some examples in your life 9.dealing with problems 7. the pieces of advice the speakers give are:1,3,5,7,8,9,10 and 11.Listening in Passage 1 2.Canadian ice hockey players The beatles Bill Gates Good luck Money Hard work, practice and training Plenty of t

20、ime Supportive family Being in the right place at the right time Being born at the right time Knowing the right people Belonging to the right culture Going to the right school Getting extra coaching Genius 3. 1(b) 2(d) 3(a) 4(d) 5(c) Passage 2 7. The US: typical working hours:9-5 Office clothes:for

21、men,jacket and tie or pen neck shirt,sometimes jeans Meal breaks: one hour Overtime:yes;paid for each 15 minute period after the first hour Holidays:two weeks a year;three weeks after five years Retirement age: men:65; women:62 or 63 Pay day:twice a month; at the beginning and middle of the month Co

22、mpany benefits: lease a company car; apension plan and a health care plan Brazil: typical working hours:8-5 or 9-6,but people usually work longer Office clothes:casual and informal,but neat and tidy Meal breaks : one hour Overtime:yes,very often;not paid Holidays : 30 working days Retirement age :me

23、n:65 or after 30-35 years work; women : after 60 Pay day: some companies may twice a month; others once a month Company benefits: It depends:maybe a company car,living accommodation,school for children,lunch and travel costs,gasoline,health insurance Unit 2 Inside view Conversation 1 2. Joe:1 Andy:2

24、 Janet:3,4 3. 1.It is a feature programme which reviews recently published books 2.None of them have read all of the books 3.Hes annoyed4.It features new books that may have a London angle,but not necessarily.5.Because Charles Dickens books are always on TV 6.She knows quite a lot about Dickens beca

25、use she is studing his work at university .7.Its a biography which describes the London locations which are the settings for many of Dickens books.8.Yes.Conversation 2 5. portsmouth ; 19th century ;novels ; around the law courts in the centre of 多了。7、 小结 这节课我们通过调查和观察对小宠物有了了解,我们学习了如何照顾它们,小动物是人类的好朋友,我

26、们一定要爱护小动物。第8课、他们授课内容:他们教学目标: 1、认识了解在生活周围的普通劳动者,知道他们的劳动给我们生活带来的方便。 2、能用各种方式真诚地表达心中的尊重和感谢。教学重点: 了解身边劳动者的劳动,尊重和感谢劳动者。教学难点: 知道他们的劳动给我们生活带来的方便。教学准备: 多媒体课件及相关表格。 图片,视频,文字资料。教学过程:一、导入一、创设情境,揭示课题播放(欣赏)一首歌上学歌听了这首歌,我们知道,每天早上,我们小学生很早就上学了,那么,走在上学路上,你们都看到了什么呢?板书课题二、听一听,看一看,说一说谁在为我们忙碌(1)师:课前,我们调查了清晨忙碌的人们,现在,小组交流,

27、说说你的调查情况。(课件)出示调查表。(2)每个小组选择一个家乡的劳动群体,描述他们的工作 总结他们的工作特点,然后全班交流。(3) 选择一个词来描述一类人,并说出你的理由。(4) 用自己喜欢的方式来表达对家乡劳动者的感谢! 可以画画,可以唱歌,可以跳舞(5) 读一读:家乡人爱家乡人 总结:在家乡,他们在辛勤劳动着。正是因为有他们的付出,城市才更繁华,乡村才更富饶,我们的家园才更美丽。第9课、端午节授课内容:端午节教学目标: 1、了解民俗文化的丰富内涵,感受乡土文化的独特魅力,让学生明白“力量从团结中来”这一道理。 2、培养学生及联想、想像的能力,学习虚实相生的场面描写方法。教学重点:了解到端

28、午节的起源教学难点: 知道端午节的习俗都有哪些?教学准备: 多媒体课件及相关表格。 图片,视频,文字资料。教学过程:一、导入1、我国有很多传统节日,你知道我国有哪些传统节日吗?2、那么端午节的由来、习俗你们知道吗?今天就让我们走进端午节去了解一下。3、引出主题:“走进端午”二、引入新知、端午说由来 (1)端午节别称1、端午节有哪些别称?2、关于端午节的由来,说法很多,谁能告诉大家?(学生交流)(2)端午讲故事端午节是中国古老的传统节日,至今已有两千多年历史。关于端午节故事传说很多,你们知道哪些与端午节有关的故事吗?学生讲述端午节故事:曹娥救父的故事、屈原投江。小结。3、端午话习俗(1)赛龙舟过



31、的学习中一如既往的努力学习。第10课、绿色授课内容:绿色教学目标: 1让学生了解树木对我们人类生活的作用,懂得植树造林的重要性。 2号召学生用实际行动绿化祖国,改造自然,帮助学生从小增强环境保护的意识。 教学重点:了解到保护环境的方法是绿化教学难点: 让学生了解树木对我们人类生活的作用教学准备: 搜集关于植树造林的好处,搜集近几年来由于乱砍乱伐导致环境恶化的图片和文字材料。教学过程: 一、导入出示蓝天绿地图片同学们这样的景色美吗?导入课题2、 新课冬天一过,春风拂遍原野山岗,大地披上了绿色的衣裳。家乡立刻生机勃勃起来。1、 试一试从哪一片绿色可以发现春天来到了家乡?关于这片绿色,你可以和大家交

32、流的内容有哪些?2、 绿化是家乡人民保护和改善环境的一个方法。你认为家乡的哪些地方最应该植树造林,实现绿化3、 读一读:绿化大地 三、美化环境,人人有责 1师:刚才大家都谈了植树的种种益处,光在地球上多种几棵树也是不够的,那大家想想,我们为美化环境还得做些什么呢? 2交流。 3总结:美化环境,人人有责,作为少先队员的我们更是义不容辞地做好这件事情,你们说呢? 四、为保护环境出谋划策 1甲:这个美丽的地球是属于我们每一个人的,一份绿色,一片灿烂,是我们生存的空间。让我们一起为保护环境出出主意吧! 2乙:是啊,我们一起来出出主意,看看能不能制定出一些制止乱砍乱伐、随地乱扔果皮纸屑等破坏环境的现象呢

33、?大家以小队为单位,一起讨论讨论,汇总出三、四条计策吧! 3学生以小队为单位进行讨论,小队长记录。 五、总结第11课、学校授课内容:学校教学目标: 1、过学习,培养学生热爱学校的情感,培养学生的责任感及主人翁意识; 2、通过活动,了解学校的规则和纪律,并能够自觉遵守; 3、懂得尊重学校不同岗位的工作人员; 教学重点: 让学生熟悉校园环境,克服对新环境的陌生感,逐步适应新环境下的新生活。教学难点:过学习,培养学生热爱学校的情感,培养学生的责任感及主人翁意识;教学准备:学校图片,家乡地理位置、文字资料教学过程:一、导入师:我们在讲新课之前要让大家看一段视频,看看你们认识不认识这些地方。(视频:校园

34、的拓展)看完以后,你们什么想法?是不是很想知道我们学校是什么样子的?生:很想知道。师:在我们参观之前呢?我们想一想,参观完以后你们觉得这是不是你们心目中的校园,等会我会让人起来回答问题。引入课题2、 新知对于家乡,我们最熟悉的应该是学校!可是,我们真的很了解学校吗?1、 除了我们上学的学校之外,家乡还有哪些学校?2、 有关这些学校,你有哪些信息可以和大家分享?3、 在家乡,出了学校,还有哪些地方可供人们学习?4、 关于家乡的“上学”和“学校”,你还听说过什么故事和值得分享的信息吗?5、 还有哪些有关发展和改进的建议?6、 读一读学习使我们的生活总结小朋友们,通过今天的活动和游戏,相信大家已经了

35、解了我们学校了,祝愿小朋友们能在这个大家庭里快乐地学习,健康的成长。第12课、东西南北授课内容:东西南北教学目标: 1.在现实情境中正确辨别东、南、西、北四个方向,感知方向的相对性,培养方向感。 2.给定一个方向,能辨认其余的方向,并能用这些词语描述物体所在的方向与位置, 3.体会平面图上“上北、下南、左西、右东”的规定,能看懂简单的平面图。 教学重点: 能正确辨别东、南、西、北四个方向,感知方向的相对性,培养方向感。教学难点:体会平面图上“上北、下南、左西、右东”的规定,能看懂简单的平面图。教学准备: 1.课前布置小组活动:学校操场周围有那些景物? 2.拍摄校园景物并制成课件教学过程:一、游

36、戏活动,激趣导入。 (1)小朋友,老师和你们来做拍手游戏好吗?看看谁听得仔细,拍得准确:上拍拍、下拍拍,左拍拍、右拍拍,前拍拍、后拍拍 (2)你们有没有留心刚才拍手时老师说到了哪些方向的词语?(上下、左右、前后 (3)你知道还有哪些表示方向的词呢?(板书课题:东南西北)二、联系实际,辨认方向。 (1).找一找:找教室里的东方、南方、西方、北方。 我们教室里也有东、南、西、北,东面在哪儿?太阳从哪儿升起? 找出教室里的东面,再让学生跟据儿歌指出西面、南面、北面、教师贴上标记卡片。(东、南、西、北) (2)说说教室的东、南、西、北面各有什么? (3)辨一辨,说一说。辨认四个方向。 请同学分组,每组

37、面朝不同的方向,说一说,前、后、左、右各是什么方向? (4).找出规律:刚才我们面朝的方向不同,你 view: Activity 1Question 1Key: bQuestion 2Key: cQuestion 3Key: bQuestion 4Key: cQuestion 5Key: dQuestion 6Key: dUnit 4 Outside view: Activity 2Question 1Key(s): wax and feathersQuestion 2Key(s): got off the groundQuestion 3Key(s): thrust, lift and co

38、ntrolQuestion 4Key(s): ThrustQuestion 5Key(s): the tailQuestion 6Key(s): provide lift, control and thrust, and be light enoughUnit 4 Outside view: Activity 3Correct order: 6, 3, 2, 5, 1, 10, 9, 7, 8, 4Unit 4 Listening in: Passage 1 Activity 1Correct order: a, b, f, e, c, dUnit 4 Listening in: Passag

39、e 1 Activity 2Question 1Key(s): 18 per cent/18 percent/eighteen per cent/eighteen percent/18%Question 2Key(s): over 40 per cent/over 40 percent/over forty per cent/over forty percentQuestion 3Key(s): a fifth/one fifth/1/5/20 per cent/20 percent/twenty per cent/twenty percentQuestion 4Key(s): over a

40、millionQuestion 5Key(s): roughly 30 per cent/ roughly 30 per cent/ roughly thirty per cent/roughly thirty percentUnit 4 Listening in: Passage 2 Activity 1Keys: 2, 7, 8Unit 4 Listening in: Passage 2 Activity 2Correct order: d, e, c, f, a, bUnit 5 Outside view: Activity 1Correct order: e, d, b, c, a,

41、i, f, g, hUnit 5 Outside view: Activity 2Question 1Key: bQuestion 2Key: cQuestion 3Key: cQuestion 4Key: dQuestion 5Key: aUnit 5 Outside view: Activity 3Correct order: g, c, h, b, f, d, a, eUnit 5 Outside view: Activity 4Correct order: 2, 10, 13, 3, 7, 8, 1, 9, 11, 14, 5, 6, 12, 4Unit 5 Listening in:

42、 Passage 1 Activity 1(1) effective groups(2) 30s(3) improves(4) factors(5) identity(6) performance(7) 60s(8) group(9) Forming(10) get to know(11) ideas and creative energy(12) identity(13) Performing(14) togetherUnit 5 Listening in: Passage 1 Activity 2Correct order: c, a, e, g, f, d, h, bUnit 5 Lis

43、tening in: Passage 2 Activity 1Question 1Key: cQuestion 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: cQuestion 4Key: cQuestion 5Key: aUnit 5 Listening in: Passage 2 Activity 2Question 1Key(s): 250/two hundred and fiftyQuestion 2Key(s): 36/Thirty-sixQuestion 3Key(s): two/2Question 4Key(s): 30/ThirtyUnit 6 Outside view: Act

44、ivity 1Keys: 1, 2, 5Unit 6 Outside view: Activity 2Question 1Key: bQuestion 2Key: cQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: bQuestion 5Key: dUnit 6 Outside view: Activity 3(1) I dont like cycling(2) do something good(3) sit on a couch(4) and with two legs(5) life on the road(6) throw the bike(7) Its been different(8) performing marvellouslyUnit 6 Listening in: Passage 1 Activity 1Question 1Key(s): New YorkQuestion 2Key(s): afternoonQuestion 3Key(s): 155/one hundred and fifty-fiveQuestion 4Key(s): 30 to 45 seconds/thirty to forty-five secondsQuestion 5Key(s): noneQuestion 6Key(s)


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