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1、as on fire over-headbecause they knew music sometimes might work wonder; they had jumped off the bandstand just before a flaming quarter-pole fell into their stand. City fire equipment had arrived by now and was pouring streams of water onto the big top area to cool it enough for firemen to enter. I

2、n the smoke and confusion, it was impossible to tell whether or not anyone might have been left in the tent. We circus people were ordered away from the smoking ruins that, only a few minutes before, had been the biggest spread of canvas in the world.I went outside; doctors, and first-aid workers we

3、re everywhere, carrying bodies from where the grandstands and seats had been. The toll (伤亡人数) of dead and dying increased so fast that emergency crews were called in from surrounding cities.Later it was found that 168 people had died in the fire the worst circus disaster in history, and an afternoon

4、 of horror I can never forget.21. The musicians kept playing during the fire probably because they _.A. thought the fire was in another tentB. knew nothing about the terrible fireC. wanted to keep the crowd from panicking D. believed the show should go on whatever happened22. Why were emergency crew

5、s from other cities called in?A. There were too many victims to deal with. B. Fire equipment in the city was not enough. C. Too many people were left in the tent waiting. D. The circus people were unwilling to do the rescue work.23. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?A. A Jo

6、urney to DeathB. The Day the Big Top BurnedC. Memories as a circus clownD. The Worst Disaster in Human HistoryBIn a new look at the impact of long-time sitting behavior on health, a new study links time watching television to an increased risk of death. One of the most surprising findings is that it

7、 isnt just couch potatoes who were affected. Even for people who exercised regularly, the risk of death went up the longer they were in front of the TV. The problem was the long periods of time spent sitting still.Australian researchers who tracked 8,800 people for an average of six years found that

8、 those who said they watched TV for more than four hours a day were 46% more likely to die of any cause and 80% more likely to die of cardiovascular (心血管的) disease than people who reported spending less than two hours a day in front of TV.Time spent in front of TVs and computers and videogames has c

9、ome under fire in studies in recent years for contributing to a spread of obesity in the US and around the world. But typically the resulting public-health message urges children and adults to put down the Xbox controller and remote and get on a treadmill (跑步机) or a soccer field. The Australian stud

10、y offers a different view. “Its not the sweaty type of exercise were losing,” says David Dunstan, a researcher at Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute, Melbourne, who led the study. “Its the incidental moving around, standing up and using muscles. That doesnt happen when we are plunked on a couch

11、in front of a television.”Indeed, participants in the study reported getting between 30 and 45 minutes of exercise a day, on average.The results are supported by a new field of research that shows how long periods of inactivity can affect the bodys processing of fats and other substances that contri

12、bute to heart risk. And they suggest that people can help decrease such risk simply by avoiding extended periods of sitting.”Keeping such processes working more effectively doesnt require constant intense exercise, but consciously adding more routine movement to your life might help, doctors say. “J

13、ust standing is better than sitting,” says Gerard Fletcher, a cardiologist at Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Fla., who works standing up at his computer. “When you stand up, you shuffle around a little bit and use muscles not required when you are sitting or lying down.”Simple strategies for increasing

14、activity include combining househol疤(芏渀倰挀持鄁崁崂唃挃挃挃挃挃挃挃挃挃挃挃挃儃穝晛骋桛搀漀挀儀穝晛骋桛搀漀挀尀尀挀搀戀挀昀挀戀昀攀挀搀最圀焀琀焀匀昀爀夀琀嘀眀猀渀嘀儀稀倀欀匀挀猀刀唀伀稀甀爀瀀漀欀夀娀儀栀琀琀瀀猀眀眀眀眀攀渀欀甀渀攀琀挀漀洀椀氀攀刀漀漀琀尀圀攀渀欀甀渀攀琀椀氀攀刀漀漀琀尀昀攀搀攀攀攀愀戀愀昀愀娀屝蜀济搀挀攀搀搀昀愀昀搀阀u鐀渀輀渀PQMS质量管理体系专业审核作业指导书.docQMS质量管理体系专业审核作业指导书.doc2021-723271b0053-e72a-4ea1-8c22-e2bbe2ffc20auvXlttrVfK+zyXpET

15、4a9o3uLXW2RUiYw3fFuIttvSWom0bhHcKmlGA=https:/ 一、以预防为主:1晨检:与保教人员密切配合,防止患病儿童或健康带菌(毒)者进入幼儿园,我园按晨检要求进行晨检。晨检要求: 一摸:摸额头有无发烧,颌下淋巴结有无肿大; 二看:看咽部有无充血,口腔有无溃疡、手心有无水疱等,并观察幼儿精神状态以及眼睛、耳廓等; 三问:问在家饮食、睡眠、大小便及体温、咳嗽等健康情况;四查:根据传染病流行情况对易感儿童进行检查,同时查幼儿有无携带别针、纽扣、尖针、小刀、剪刀、玩具枪、滚珠、硬币等危险物品入园;五记录:认真做好各项检查记录及服药幼儿的用药登记2 、加强缺课追踪登记制

16、度,考勤规章制度,及时与缺勤幼儿家长取得联系,每天上午10:30由各班上下班老师电话追踪缺课幼儿,了解幼儿具体情况及原因,如幼儿因发烧、发热、头痛、呕吐等症状应及时就医,并做好登记,诊断诊治情况及诊断医院后交到保健室。若园内出现传染病及疑似传染病,应及时对患病者进行隔离并通知家长到正规医院诊治,由班上老师跟踪调查诊治情况,并由保健医生上报镇医院或相关部门。 二、卫生保健 1、全园严格遵守消毒工作,将各班级的教室、玩具、茶杯、勺子、擦嘴巾、餐巾、桌椅、地面等物品进行消毒,并及时用消毒液擦洗幼儿能碰到的每一个地方,做好各班清洁卫生和环境卫生,每周二或每周三进行园内一次大检查,并做好相关记录,每月一



19、FOjr7WQ=秋季,卫生保健,工作计划https:/ 一、以预防为主:1晨检:与保教人员密切配合,防止患病儿童或健康带菌(毒)者进入幼儿园,我园按晨检要求进行晨检。晨检要求: 一摸:摸额头有无发烧,颌下淋巴结有无肿大; 二看:看咽部有无充血,口腔有无溃疡、手心有无水疱等,并观察幼儿精神状态以及眼睛、耳廓等; 三问:问在家饮食、睡眠、大小便及体温、咳嗽等健康情况;四查:根据传染病流行情况对易感儿童进行检查,同时查幼儿有无携带别针、纽扣、尖针、小刀、剪刀、玩具枪、滚珠、硬币等危险物品入园;五记录:认真做好各项检查记录及服药幼儿的用药登记2 、加强缺课追踪登记制度,考勤规章制度,及时与缺勤幼儿家长

20、取得联系,每天上午10:30由各班上下班老师电话追踪缺课幼儿,了解幼儿具体情况及原因,如幼儿因发烧、发热、头痛、呕吐等症状应及时就医,并做好登记,诊断诊治情况及诊断医院后交到保健室。若园内出现传染病及疑似传染病,应及时对患病者进行隔离并通知家长到正规医院诊治,由班上老师跟踪调查诊治情况,并由保健医生上报镇医院或相关部门。 二、卫生保健 1、全园严格遵守消毒工作,将各班级的教室、玩具、茶杯、勺子、擦嘴巾、餐巾、桌椅、地面等物品进行消毒,并及时用消毒液擦洗幼儿能碰到的每一个地方,做好各班清洁卫生和环境卫生,每周二或每周三进行园内一次大检查,并做好相关记录,每月一次检查各班毛巾、水杯、是否与班上幼儿

21、姓名相对应,若发现不对应的,当场指出并立即改正,床单被套一月清洗更换一次,及时监督、督促各班更加细致做好、做实常规卫生工作。2、每天对教室卫生进行检查,每周五大检查,将检查结果及时反馈,督促教师、保育员做好整个幼儿园的卫生工作,确保幼儿的生活学习环境干净、整洁、健康。 三、儿童营养1、检查食堂采购食品的质量和食物加工过程中按食品加工规则操作要严格执行食品安全法,生熟食品制作及食具的消毒情况进行检查、督促,做到餐餐消毒。采购食品索要卫生许可证及其他索证并签订采购协议。每天的饭菜都保留48个小时留样。并且要健全食堂仓库管理制度,完善食堂食品卫生管理,更好的为幼儿服务。 2、每周制定幼儿带量食谱,营

22、养量计算、分析、评价,并进行菜谱调整,按时召开伙委会,制定每月膳食安排计划。检查幼儿进餐情况,掌握菜谱的反馈,保证幼儿每餐的营养充分摄入,培养幼儿良好的进餐习惯,发现问题耐心指导。 四、安全保护、体格锻炼 1、给身体不适幼儿做好全日观察、监测:给需在园服药者做好记录,到时间后准时给幼儿服药,要求做到七对:对班级、姓名、药品、剂量、用药时间、方法及次数。 2、检查幼儿午睡情况,保持午睡室空气流通,光线适宜,睡姿良好,脱衣脱鞋盖被睡觉,培养良好的睡眠习惯,督促、检查教师做好幼儿午睡时的巡视工作。 3、为增强幼儿体质,积极开展适合幼儿年龄特点的体育活动,坚持每日至少2小时以上的户外活动,保证其中1小时为体育活动,并做好观察、记录。另外,要特别加强晨间体育锻炼活动。 4、处理好当日所发生的紧急事件,如幼儿发烧、外伤等等,若发生事故


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