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1、 the ears 1.9 meters in length. At the sides of Vairocana there are two statues of Vairocana Buddhas disciples, Kasyapa and Ananda, wearing prudent and devout expressions,next are 2 Bodhisattvas, Heavenly Kings, andGreat Men of Strength. Vairocana means illuminating all things in the sutra. The Budd

2、ha has a well-filled figure, a sacred and kindly expression and an elegant smile. The chief Buddha gives you an impression of dignified manner, magnificent looking, wise, farsighted and kind nature. The various appearances and delicate designs are the representations of Empire Tangs powerful materia

3、l and spiritual strength as well as the high crystallization of peoples wisdoms. Looking around the overall arrangement, we would rather say that the Fengxian Temple is a scene of a grand imperial court than a spot of Buddhism. Generally speaking, the Fengxian Temple is the most magnificent and arti

4、stic among all the shrines of the Tang Dynasty as well as an example of success in integrating politics with Buddhism in ancient China. Ok everyone, now you can take photos here. Or you can ask questions that you dont understand. After 15 minutes we will gather right here. See you then.Yuntai Mounta

5、in Situated in Xiuwu county, Hennan province, Yuntai Mountain has edged onto the China National Natural Heritage Candidate List due to its unique geological landforms, rich natural resources and cultural relics. It is characterized by its structural cuesta, flying waterfalls on faulted cliffs, quiet

6、 valleys and clear springs.Known as a world geopark, it was one of the first world geoparks to be approved by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in 2004. The park is known for its massive gardening areas, overhanging high cliffs, flying waterfalls, secluded valleys

7、and spring water, with a spring in every 3 steps, a waterfall in every 5 steps, a pond in every 10 steps .Covering an area of 190sqm, the scenic spot is composed of many sightseeing places, such as Tan pu Gorge, Quanpu Gorge, Red Stone Gorge, Zifang Lake, Macaque Valley etc.The Red Stone Canyon, whi

8、ch is a rare canyon sight in north China with waterfalls, lakes, pools and gullies, is highly acclaimed by gardening experts as a “natural gallery for mountain and river collections” because of its grand and exclusive landscapes. The most splendid waterfall in the canyon is the Bailong Waterfall, di

9、vided into three falls, measuring 30 meters in height. It looks as shiny as a huge silver dragon. A good place for waterfall watching is the Heilong (Black Dragon) Cave, which is as long as 30 meters with absolute darkness inside. Standing in the cave, you can not only see the marvelous falls dashin

10、g down into the deep pools but also the perilous high stiffs, narrowly separated from each other by fast-flowing gullies so that the sky is scarcely visible. The spring water flowing down the cliffs splashes into water drops that dazzle in the sunlight like colorful diamonds, looking like a unique p

11、icture hanging on the wall. Yuntai Mountain is famous for its grotesque hill, which extends as far as eyes can see. The main peak, Cornel Peak, is 1308m above the sea level.It is said to be famous for a poem by a famous poet in the Tang Dynasty called Wang Wei, who worked out a popular poem when he

12、climbed up the mountain. The poem Thinking of My Brothers in Mountain Climbing Day fully conveys his emotion of missing friends. Mounting to the mountain top and looking far into the distance, you can see the Yellow River winding like a silver belt. Having a bird view of the foot of the mountain, yo

13、u can see chains of peaks like sea waves. The weather on the top is often unpredictable. All at once clouds gather and wind blows,with mist rising among the mountains. The mountains looming in the mist and clouds look so vague that you feel as if you were in a fairy world. Also, It had been the secl

14、uded place of seven Bamboo Forest Sages of the Wei and the Jin Period. Medicine King, Sun Simiao, o紀需唀猀攀爀愀渀愀最攀唀猀攀爀甀琀栀攀渀琀椀挀愀琀椀漀渀椀猀琀愀猀瀀砀栀舅翑/q前台访问/c-0-2-3248462-0-0-0-0-9-0-1.html114.239.59.650襩槸槤洀謀琀愀最渀椀愀渀栀甀愀椀栀甀愀栀甀愀砀甀攀栀琀洀氀樀習蟣5Smwap前台访问/d-1589812.html116.179.32.440襫最瀀栀琀洀氀氀怀翓蟣5Sqwap前台访问/d-1637303.html220



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