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1、第七单元检测试卷三、听录音,判断下列句子与所听内容是否相符,相符的画“”,不相符的画“”。(读两遍)1.Would you like a hot dog? s this ? 3.Yes,please. 4. Look at the sweet. 5.I can see a cake and a pie. 五、单项选择。(10分) ( )1.你想知道一样物品的颜色,应该说: A. Its red. B. What colour is it? ( )2. Look at skirt. ww w. A. Im Bmy ( )3. Nice to meet A. your Byou ( see a c

2、ake. A. can Bam ( )5Its you and me. A. at Bfor六、看图,填入单词所缺字母。(11分)A: What about a p e?B: Its n ce.A: Whats th s?B: Its a c ke.A: Would you l ke an gg?B: Yes,p ease.A: Look t the h t d g.B: Its for y u.七、将下列句子重新排列,组成一段完整的对话。(8分) ( ) Whats this? ( ) Good morning. ( 1 ) Good morning. ( ) Its an egg. ( )

3、 Yes, please. ( ) Would you like an egg? ( ) What about an ice-cream? ( ) No,thanks.八、根据情景选择合适的英文表达。(10分) ( 糖,你说: A. Would you like some sweets? BLook at the sweets. CAre you sweets? ( )2.你建议别人吃块蛋糕,你说: A. Would you like a cake? BWhat about a cake? CIts a cake. ( )3.你询问这个东西是什么,你说: A. Whats this? B.It

4、s a hot dog. CLook at the hot dog. ( )4.你询问这个东西是什么颜色,你说: A. What about this one? BIts red. CWhat colour is it? ( )5.你会说字母UVW,你说: A.1 can say UVW. B.l can see UVW. CCan I say UVW?九、看图完成对话。(6分) A: you a cake? B: No, A:What a _(馅饼)? A:Yes, 十、根据对话内容,回答问题。(9分) A: Hello! Yang Ling. B: Hello! Alice. A: Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you, too. A: Would you like an ice cream? B: No,thank you. A: What about a cake? B: Yes,please. ( )1.A is AYang Ling BAlice ( )2.B would like A. an ice cream Ba cake ( )3.用另一种方式表达“Thank you. A. Thanks. BOK.


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