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国际酒店客房资料 How to spotclean怎样清洁污迹.doc

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1、国际酒店管理资料客房标准操作程序Hotel Room Management Training Manual国际酒店客房手册International Hotel Room Handbook酒店客房的重要性:负责组织和安排客房和公共区域的清扫工作,督导、培训和考核下属员工按标准和流程实施清扫和服务工作,确保酒店客房干净与设施完好,满足客人的服务需求,并负责客房物品的管理,协助工程人员完成客房和公共区域的维修项目。按标准要求负责清扫整理客房和楼层公共区域,为客人提供干净安全的客房和环境,满足客人正当合理的服务需求,负责本区域安全工作。负责酒店公共区域的卫生保洁及保养工作,为客人营造干净、温馨、舒适

2、的环境,保持酒店环境的美观,满足酒店服务要求1. 贯彻执行店总的经营管理指令,向店总负责并报告工作;2. 根据酒店确定的经营方针和目标,负责编制客房部预算,制订各项业务计划,并有效组织实施与监控,实现预期目标;3. 以市场为导向,研究并掌握市场的变化和发展情况,适时调整经营策略,努力创收,坚持以部门为成本中心的方针,严格控制成本,降低消耗,以最小的成本获取最大的经济效益;STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE标准操作程序HOW TO SPOT CLEAN怎样清洁污迹Task Number: 任务号:PA-0019Department: 部门:Housekeeping客房部Da

3、te Issued: 制定日期:Guest Expectation: 客人期望:I expect that carpets are clean and not worn. I dont like observing spots after breakfast which are still there the next day. I expect people who work in upscale hotels to be detail oriented.我希望地毯干净完好.我不希望在早餐是看见地毯上有污迹,而第二天它还没有被清除.我希望高星级酒店的工作人员工作都非常细心.Time to T

4、rain: 培训时间:25 minutes25分钟Why is this task important for you and our guests?为什么这项工作对客人和我们都很重要?Answers: 回答:1. I understand the importance of spot cleaning.我明白清除污迹的重要性.2. I understand that it is not always necessary to clean the whole carpet.我明白地毯不是经常被整体清洗的.3. It is important for us to take good care o

5、f our material, as this shows our professionalism.良好的维护我们的物品代表了我们的专业.4. We can increase the GSTS score.增进客人的满意度.WHAT/ STEPS什么/步骤HOW/ STANDARDS怎样/标准TRAINING QUESTIONS培训问题1) Preparation准备Prepare all cleaning tools and chemicals that are required.准备所有的清洁用具和清洁剂.Why do I need to prepare all this items fo

6、r spot cleaning?为什么我需要准备这些用品?2) Daily maintenance 日常维护Remove spots from carpets immediately when finding a stain.当发现有污迹的时候立即清除.Why does this need to be done immediately?为什么需要立即清除?3) Type of stains污迹种类Food and beverage stains, e.g. coffee, juices, etc. can be removed with carpet shampoo. 食品和饮料污迹,例如咖啡

7、,果汁,可以使用地毯清洁剂清除.Red wine stain cannot be removed once it has been spilled on the carpet. 红酒污迹,不能够一次性清除.Put SOLD on the spot when fresh (or other Hotel standard cleaning agent)当污迹是新的时候,将SOLD清洁剂或者其它酒店使用的清洁剂喷洒在污迹表面.Oil stain can be removed with TARGO or solvent (or other Hotel standard cleaning agent)油

8、迹,可以使用TARGO或者solvent清洁剂清除(或者酒店使用的其它类型清洁剂).Chewing gum can be removed with Anti-gum or hardened with ice and then scraped off.口香糖可以使用口香糖清除剂清除,或者用冰将其硬化后再清除.Press a dry cleaning cloth over the stain if it is still wet, to absorb as much of the stain as possible.如果污迹还是湿的,用一张干净的干布按在污迹上,让干布尽量吸取污迹.What dif

9、ferent spots do you know?你知道其它什么不同的污迹?What is difficult about red wine? What should I do when red wine has stained upholstery?红酒迹有什么不同的地方?当装饰品上有红酒迹后我应该怎么办?How can I get read of oil spots?我如何清除油迹?What can I do with chewing gum?我如何清除口香糖?Why do I need to press the cloth on the stain when still wet?当污迹是

10、湿的时候,为什么我需要用干布按在上面?WHAT/ STEPS什么/步骤HOW/ STANDARDS怎样/标准TRAINING QUESTIONS培训问题4) Removing stains清除污迹Spray carpet shampoo or TARGO on the stain.在污迹上喷洒地毯清洁剂或者TARGO.Agitate the stain with a hand brush. Brushing lightly, be careful not to spread the soil to a larger area.用刷子轻刷污迹,注意不要让污迹范围扩大With a clean da

11、mp cloth, absorb the soil from the carpet by pressing the damp cloth onto the stain, from the outer edge of the stain inwards. 用一张干净的湿布按在污迹上,由外向内的吸取污迹. When that part of the cleaning cloth is dirty, turn to another clean part and repeat the process until the stain disappears.当布脏后,更换一面,重复以上步骤.Why do

12、I need a damp cloth?Why do I need to turn the cloth?5) Store存放Clean and dry equipment and tools and store them neatly in the appropriate places.清洗并晒干用具,并放回指定位置.Clean the scrubbing brush and hang it up to dry.清洗刷子,并将其挂起来晒干.Clean and put the signage away properly.清洁标示牌,并存放.Why do I need to store items

13、 and equipment neatly?为什么我需要使用湿布?Does the brush need to hang?为什么我需要更换一面?6) Report defects问题报告Report maintenance problems found while cleaning immediately.清洁期间有任何问题立即报告.Why do I have to report immediately? 为什么我需要立即报告?Summary questions问题概述:1. What is important to know about stains? 为什么需要熟悉污迹类型?2. What

14、 different types of stains exist? 污迹有哪些类型?3. Where might I find “spot” stains? 我在什么地方可以发现污迹?4. Is it important to use the right chemical? 使用正确的清洁剂重要吗?5. How do I spot clean red wine stains? 我如何清除红酒污迹?6. How do I need to store the equipment? 我如何存放清洁用具?7. Do I need to report defects to HK or can I rep

15、ort this defect immediately to POMEC? 我需要将问题报告给HK或者POMEC?Now ask the trainee to practice the task from start to end to test competency. 现在由培训生按照步骤从头到位进行实践操作并做测试。走在路上对于客房服务,相信不少的酒店人都有一些误区,认为客房服务就是打扫房间或者递送物品那么简单,其实,客房服务需要注重的侧重点还很多,今天我们就列举了一些酒店常遇到的小情况,和大家共同探讨该如何处理。对于客房服务,相信不同的酒店也会有自己独立的一套运营标准,希望通过本篇文章,

16、能够给大家一些运营上的启发,获得客人更多好评,从全面做好客房服务开始。酒店是一个“以人为中心”的服务企业,每天发生的事情,基本上都是“人”的故事。从员工对顾客的服务,经理对员工的管理,总经理面对大量事务也无一不与顾客、员工和业主有关,酒店生产出来的产品都是通过人的劳作和服务的产品。所以酒店的产品有别于一般企业的产品,需要我们用心来做,而客房服务在所有环节中,至关重要。客房管理人员必须对客服务第一线经常地反复地讲解、宣传、鼓动、督促、鞭策、培训、现场示范给部门员工,将简单的、重复的、乏味的劳动变为积极主动创造性的劳动;让有形的设备设施和无形服务产生最大的经济效益,达到预期的效果。所谓无形产品的有情化:就是讲情感化的服务。影响服务质量的因素很多,但关键是无形产品的有情化,也就是说把情感服务纳入有情化之中。例如某酒店一次荷兰外宾来入住,总台在分房服务中特意 安排了有浓郁中国特色的以喜庆暖色装饰的中式标准间;客人到达前,对地毯进行了全面彻底清洗,外宾对蚊虫特别敏感,我们又组织灭虫喷药一次;提早在客房内放置婴儿床、婴儿推车;全部配备新毛巾营造二种安祥温馨的家庭气氛,使外宾感到服务的热情周到、有人情味。房务中心还安排懂外语,服务细心的服务员,为这批客人服务,树立宾馆形象,使他们流连忘返。


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