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英语 安乐死辩论赛正方和反方的观点.doc

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1、.高中英语必背句型1.我该去上学了。 It is (high) time I went to school. 2.这是我第一次来这儿。This/It is the first time that I have been here.3. 我宁愿让你明天来。I would rather you came here tomorrow. 我宁愿你昨天过来。 I would rather you had come yesterday.4.你宁愿让谁写那篇文章?Whom would you rather have write the article?5.虽然他是一个孩子,但懂得很多。Child as he

2、 is, he knows a lot.6.由于有许多问题要解决,新总统过得很艰难。 With a lot of problems to settle, the new president is having a hard time.随着时间的推移,他意识到了自己的错误。With time going on, he realized his mistake.由于工作完成了,我们都回家了。With the work finished, we all went home.7.你想象不到我找你的地址所遇到的困难。You cant imagine the difficulty I had findin

3、g your address.8.我正要外出,就在这时电话铃响了。 I was about to go out/ on the point of going out when the telephone rang.我们正上着英语课,这时灯突然灭了。We were having an English class when suddenly the light went out.我们还没有走出多远,就在这时天开始下起雨来。 We hadnt walked far when it began to rain.9.由于没有收到他的回信,我决定再写一封。 Not having received his

4、reply, I decided to write again.10.人们认为是贝尔发明了电话。 Bell is considered to have invented the telephone.11.我非常赞同。 I cant agree more.12.视情况而定。 That/It depends.13.是什么事让你忧虑?(强调句)What was it that worried you?14.(现在)我希望有一辆自己的车。I wish that I had a car of my own.(将来)我希望有一天去上大学。I wish that I would go to college

5、one day. (过去)我多希望我昨天同你一起去看电影啊!How I wish I had gone to the cinema with you yesterday!15.他建议那个被提到的人应该关进大牢。 He suggested that the man referred to be put in prison.16.他对成功充满信心。 He is sure of his success. (我认为)他一定会来的。 He is sure to come.17.他一定会取得重大发现的。 It is certain that he will make a great discovery.1

6、8.我突然想起期末考试临近了。 It occurred to me that the final exam was drawing near.19.他碰巧出去了。 It happened/chanced that he was out.20.他不但聪明,而且勤奋。 Not only is he clever, but also he works hard.21.只有用这种方法你才能算出这到题。Only in this way can you work out the problem.22.我们市南有一条铁路。South of our city lies a railway.(方位副词放在句首时

7、,主谓完全倒装)23.关键是工作能力而不是你来自哪儿。It is the ability to do the job that matters rather than where you come from.24.(做某事)没必要/毫无疑问/无意义/希望(该句型用there 而不用it)There is no need/doubt/point/sense/hope25.我是第一位只身一人去南极的女性。I was the first woman to travel alone to the South Pole.26.明年要建的大楼是实验楼。 The building to be built n

8、ext year will be our lab building.现在正建的大楼是我们的办公楼。 The building being built now is our office building. 去年建的大楼用作了图书馆。 The building built last year is used as a library.27.他没来的原因是他病了。 The reason why he didnt come is that he was ill.28.我宁死不屈。 I would die rather than give in. 我愿呆在家,不愿去看电影。 I refer to st

9、ay at home rather than go to the movie.29.三小时后他回来了。 It was three hours before he came back. 不久我们就会再见面的。 It wont be long before we meet again.30.我第一次见她时,她正在摘苹果。The first time I met her, she was picking apples. 上次我们见面时,大部分的话是我说的。The last time we met, I did most of the talking.31.就他的年龄而言,他的力气是很大了。 He i

10、s very strong for his age.32.这本书很值得一读. The book is well worth reading. The book is worthy to be read/of being read. It is worthwhile reading/to read the book.33.这种纸很容易撕破。 This kind of paper tears easily. 这顶帽子戴着很舒服。 The cap wears comfortably.34.大火蔓延很快,但大家都成功地逃离了。The fire spread quickly but everyone w

11、as able to escape. (不能换成could)35.农民占中国人口的大多数。Peasants make up the majority of the population of China.36.他们边喝茶,边愉快地交谈。 They had a pleasant talk over a cup of tea.37.不管花多少钱,我都要给你买一辆自行车。I will buy a bike for you no matter how much it takes. (可换成however much)38.汤姆聪明但不勤奋,杰克也是。Tom is clever but doesnt work hard. So it is with Mike.39.既然你要做,尽最大努力去做。 If you do it at all, do your


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