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国际酒店前厅管理手册前台接待01-05 信息保密Information Confidentiality.doc

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1、国际酒店前厅部操作手册前厅部Front Office前台服务程序LOCAL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES国际酒店管理资料手册International Hotel Management Information Manual前台是展示酒店的形象、服务的起点。对于宾客来说,酒店大堂前台是接触我们酒店的第一步,是对酒店的第一印象,是非常重要的。 制定前厅部标准运作程序手册的目的制订本手册是为了说明酒店管理前厅部标准运作的政策和程序,确保前厅部运营及管理工作的一贯性。向前厅部工作人员提供日常工作及培训的指导。使前厅部员工了解前厅的作用,了解前厅运作及管理的政策和程序。LO

2、CAL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES本地标准操作程序LSOP No.:RM-FO-GS-01-07Effective Date:Division:Rooms办公室Revised Date:Section:Front Office前厅部Prepared by : Approved by 批准人:_SUBJECT:Information Confidential 信息保密_OBJECTIVE目的:To define supporting business standards for implementing the Information Security and C

3、onfidentiality objectives of protecting confidential and personally identifiable information from unauthorized access, misuse, or loss and to comply with credit card company and/or legal requirements.严格认真执行信息保密制度,保护个人信息安全,按照相关法律制度及信用卡制度,不越权,滥用或泄露客人的个人信息。POLICY政策:1. The policies and procedures descri

4、bed herein mitigate risks in the following areas:该工作准则可减少因信息安全为以下方面带来的风险及影响: Guest Satisfaction 宾客满意度 Brand name erosion 集团名誉 Compliance (lawsuits, fines and penalties) 法律纠纷 Information Confidentiality 信息的机密性2. Room number as well as other information pertaining to hotel clients must not be disclose

5、d to outsiders without prior authorization of the guest. Guest confidentiality will be strictly adhered to.如果没有得到客人的允许,客人的房间号码和其余任何个人信息均不可对外泄露,应严格尊重每位客人的隐私权。3. The protection of credit card information is one of utmost importance,Credit card information must never be stored outside the application t

6、hat requires that particular information (e.g., Micros, Opera, Spa Soft, etc.). Examples of non-approved PCI applications are file servers, laptops, desktops, USB Drives, or other devices with storage capabilities). 信用卡信息的保护是至为重要的一项,信用卡信息不可存储在Micros, opera, Spa soft之外的任何位置,如文件服务器,手提电脑,工作台,USB 或其他任何具

7、备存储功能的设备内。4. All sensitive hotel information must not be released without prior authorization of the General Manager总经理.如果没有总经理的许可,任何酒店的敏感信息都不得对外透露5. Information is a valuable asset of the Company and must be properly secured from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, alteration, or disclosure. Protect

8、ing confidential and personally identifiable information is not only a necessary business practice, in some markets it is a legal requirement.信息对一个公司或个人来讲都是有价值的财产,保护公司及个人的信息安全不止是商业惯例,从某种意义上讲更是法律要求。6. Access to systems containing confidential or personally identifiable information must be restricted

9、to those ambassador and third party service providers with a clear business need to know in order to perform their job duties, do never share your personally account to others.所有需录入个人信息才可登录的系统,必须严格按照要求使用,严禁和其他人共享你的个人帐号。7. Access to computer applications containing confidential or personally identifi

10、able information must be restricted to associates through the use of individual User IDs and Passwords. User IDs must not be generic or shared among associates under any circumstances. 电脑的使用,包含有个人信息及需保密的资料,每位大使只可使用自己的帐号和密码登录,任何情况下,不可与其他人共享你的密码。Reviewed by 审核人: Approved by 批准人: _ Division Head部门主管 General Manager总经理酒店管理之家


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