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国际酒店客房资料 Uniform control制服管理.doc

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1、国际酒店管理资料客房标准操作程序Hotel Room Management Training Manual国际酒店客房手册International Hotel Room Handbook酒店客房的重要性:负责组织和安排客房和公共区域的清扫工作,督导、培训和考核下属员工按标准和流程实施清扫和服务工作,确保酒店客房干净与设施完好,满足客人的服务需求,并负责客房物品的管理,协助工程人员完成客房和公共区域的维修项目。按标准要求负责清扫整理客房和楼层公共区域,为客人提供干净安全的客房和环境,满足客人正当合理的服务需求,负责本区域安全工作。负责酒店公共区域的卫生保洁及保养工作,为客人营造干净、温馨、舒适

2、的环境,保持酒店环境的美观,满足酒店服务要求1. 贯彻执行店总的经营管理指令,向店总负责并报告工作;2. 根据酒店确定的经营方针和目标,负责编制客房部预算,制订各项业务计划,并有效组织实施与监控,实现预期目标;3. 以市场为导向,研究并掌握市场的变化和发展情况,适时调整经营策略,努力创收,坚持以部门为成本中心的方针,严格控制成本,降低消耗,以最小的成本获取最大的经济效益;STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE标准操作程序UNIFORM CONTROL制服管理Task Number: 任务号:LI-0002Department: 部门:Housekeeping 客房部Date

3、Issued: 制定日期:Guest Expectation: 客人期望:I expect employees performing the same job to wear the same uniform. When I see employees with uniforms which have been obviously borrowed from another person or department, the professionalism of the hotel is questioned.我希望员工都穿上自己工作所专有的制服。如果我看到员工穿的是借来的其他部门的制服,那么

4、酒店的专业水准将会受到质疑。Time to Train:培训时间:25 minutes 25分钟Why is this task important for you and our guests?为什么这项任务对你及我们的客人如此重要?Answers: 回答:1. I understand that it is important to regularly check the number of Uniforms.我知道常规的检查制服编号是非常重要的。2. I understand that I must take responsibility for my Uniform?我知道我必须对制服

5、负责。3. I can show my professionalism.我体现出了我的专业水准。WHAT / STEPS步骤HOW/ STANDARDS如何做/标准TRAINING QUESTIONS培训问题1) Marking编码Before a uniform is issued a uniform code willbe marked on the tag, at the collar or waist.在制服发出来以前,需将制服打码,一般打在标签,衣领或腰部。 The information is entered into the uniform card. i.e. name of

6、staff, when the uniform was first issued, when/why a uniform is replaced and misuse of uniform. (Note: aprons, scarves, etc. should not be numbered).很多员工的相关信息都会记录进制服卡片,比如员工的名字。当制服交换或拿错(围裙,领带等)也需要特别著名。What has to be marked?什么需要打码What do I have to do when Uniform will be issued? 当制服要发给员工时我们需要做什么?2) Is

7、suing hours发放制服时间Issuing hours will be as established, refer to SOP on Uniform Exchange. Uniforms are issued strictly on an exchange basis, clean for dirty.发布制服时间根据操作程序而定。制服发布是严格按照替换标准,干净替换脏的。How and when can I change my Uniform?我什么时候,怎么能换我的制服?Can I have 2 Uniforms on the clean for dirty exchange ba

8、sis?我能有2套干净的制服替换脏制服吗?3) Quarterly Inventory每季盘点 Inform all Department Heads a week before on date of uniform inventory.在制服盘点日期前一个星期通知所有部门领导。A Uniform Inventory list with staff uniform code and type of uniform will be issued to the Department Heads the day before.附有员工制服尺码和款式的制服盘点清单将会在前一天发放给部门领导When d

9、o I have to check inventory?我什么时候检查货物盘点?Who issues the check list and when?谁发放检查清单,什么时候?4) Counting of uniforms清点制服Attendants who will be off duty on the day of inventory will have to hand in their uniform at the Linen room.在制服盘点那天不上班的员工需要将制服交往布草房。Linen Attendant issues a slip indicating the return

10、of the Uniform.布草房员工发放一张记着制服归还日期的清单。Why do I have to hand in my Uniform when I am not here?为什么我不在时要亲自交我的制服?Why do I get a slip in exchange?为什么我交换时要填清单?5) Inventory Master Chart盘点表Linen Attendant to fill in each respective column the number items in the Linen Room.布草房员工将数字项目一个一个填写完整。Department Heads

11、have to fill in the inventory list with items staff re wearing. 部门领导须将员工佩带项目填写进盘点清单Laundry supervisor to count all uniforms in the laundry department.洗衣房主管清点所有洗衣房制服数量。All Inventory lists are collected and handed to the Housekeeper assigned.所有盘点存货清单将会收集并交与指定的行政管家。Why do I have to fill in a inventory

12、list?为什么我需要填写一张存货清单?Who has to count the Uniforms?谁需要清点制服?6) Locker Inspection存物柜检查The information is compiled in the Master Chart. 信息都会编辑进入主控表A spot check is to be carried out be HRpersonnel and staff-Security to ensure that additional uniforms are not hidden in lockers.一个抽样检查表是让人力资源部员工和保安确定存物柜里没有多

13、余的制服。Why does HR make spot checks?为什么人力资源部需要进行抽样检查?7) Lost or damaged Uniforms遗失或损坏制服Uniform Attendant to report to ExecutiveHousekeeper for lost or damaged uniforms.制服房员工须向行政主管报告遗失或损坏的制服情况。If a uniform is lost or damaged due to negligence, the Executive Housekeeper will issue a memo to FC for the c

14、ost of the uniform to be charged to the staff member concerned. 如果员工由于疏忽而丢失或损坏了制服,行政主管发一张备忘录给财政部寻求制服价格,并向相关的员工索取。A copy will be sent to HR.给一长复印件给人力资源部。 Who has to report the damage?谁需要报告损坏情况?When and why do I have to pay the Uniform?什么时候以及为什么我需要为制服付钱?Summary questions问题概述:1. What is important about

15、 marking the Uniform?给制服编码时什么最重要?2. What are the issuing hours and why?发放制服时间是什么为什么?3. Why do we have to do quarterly inventory?为什么我们需要每季盘点?4. What do you have to do before an inventory check?货物盘点检查以前你需要做什么?5. What do you get in exchange to you Uniform?用什么替换您的制服?6. Who conducts the locker inspection

16、?谁进行存货柜检查?7. What happens when your Uniform is damaged?当你的制服损坏时该怎么办?8. When do you have to pay?什么时候需要你付钱?Now ask the trainee to practice the task from start to end to test competency.现在由培训生按照步骤从头到尾进行实践操作并做测试走在路上对于客房服务,相信不少的酒店人都有一些误区,认为客房服务就是打扫房间或者递送物品那么简单,其实,客房服务需要注重的侧重点还很多,今天我们就列举了一些酒店常遇到的小情况,和大家共同

17、探讨该如何处理。对于客房服务,相信不同的酒店也会有自己独立的一套运营标准,希望通过本篇文章,能够给大家一些运营上的启发,获得客人更多好评,从全面做好客房服务开始。酒店是一个“以人为中心”的服务企业,每天发生的事情,基本上都是“人”的故事。从员工对顾客的服务,经理对员工的管理,总经理面对大量事务也无一不与顾客、员工和业主有关,酒店生产出来的产品都是通过人的劳作和服务的产品。所以酒店的产品有别于一般企业的产品,需要我们用心来做,而客房服务在所有环节中,至关重要。客房管理人员必须对客服务第一线经常地反复地讲解、宣传、鼓动、督促、鞭策、培训、现场示范给部门员工,将简单的、重复的、乏味的劳动变为积极主动创造性的劳动;让有形的设备设施和无形服务产生最大的经济效益,达到预期的效果。所谓无形产品的有情化:就是讲情感化的服务。影响服务质量的因素很多,但关键是无形产品的有情化,也就是说把情感服务纳入有情化之中。例如某酒店一次荷兰外宾来入住,总台在分房服务中特意 安排了有浓郁中国特色的以喜庆暖色装饰的中式标准间;客人到达前,对地毯进行了全面彻底清洗,外宾对蚊虫特别敏感,我们又组织灭虫喷药一次;提早在客房内放置婴儿床、婴儿推车;全部配备新毛巾营造二种安祥温馨的家庭气氛,使外宾感到服务的热情周到、有人情味。房务中心还安排懂外语,服务细心的服务员,为这批客人服务,树立宾馆形象,使他们流连忘返。


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