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国际酒店前厅部管理手册-RM-FO-GS-004 Information Confidentiality信息保密.doc

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1、国际酒店前厅部手册-前厅部Front Office前台服务程序国际酒店管理资料手册International Hotel Management Information Manual前台是展示酒店的形象、服务的起点。对于宾客来说,酒店大堂前台是接触我们酒店的第一步,是对酒店的第一印象,是非常重要的。 制定前厅部标准运作程序手册的目的制订本手册是为了说明酒店管理前厅部标准运作的政策和程序,确保前厅部运营及管理工作的一贯性。向前厅部工作人员提供日常工作及培训的指导。使前厅部员工了解前厅的作用,了解前厅运作及管理的政策和程序。LOCAL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES本地标

2、准操作程序LSOP No.:RM-FO-GS-004Effective Date:Nov 1Division:RoomsRevised Date:Section:Front OfficePrepared by : Approved by:_SUBJECT:Information Confidentiality 信息保密_OBJECTIVE目的:To ensure Front Office ambassadors follow information confidentiality according to Marriott privacy protection agreement确保每一位前厅

3、部大使严格执行万豪酒店信息保护协议。POLICY政策:1. Room number as well as other information pertaining to hotel clients must not be disclosed to outsiders without prior authorization of the guest. Guest confidentiality will be strictly adhered to.如果没有得到客人的允许,客人的房间号码和其余任何个人信息均不可对外泄露,应严格尊重每位客人的隐私权。2. All sensitive hotel i

4、nformation must not be released without prior authorization of the General Manager.如果没有总经理的许可,任何酒店的敏感信息都不得对外透露PROCEDURES 程序: 1. Inform caller politely that guest information cannot be disclosed.礼貌地告知来电者客人的信息不方便对外透露。2. Ask the caller if he would like to speak to the guest and connect him to the guest

5、s room or take a message.询问来电者是否转接电话给住店客人或是提供留言服务3. Confidential stay request (some guests may ask that no one disclose that they are staying in the hotel) - In this situation, inform the caller politely that the guest is not staying in the hotel.对于要求提供“全保密服务”的客人(即住店客人不想被其他人知道其入住在本酒店),应礼貌并有技巧地回答本酒店没

6、有这位客人入住。4. Do not disturb - inform caller politely that guest have left instructions that he or she is not to be disturbed and a message should be taken.对于要求提供“免打扰”服务的客人,礼貌地告知来电者客人当前为“免打扰”状态并询问是否可提供留言服务。5. GSM must be alerted if caller persists in wanting to talk to the guest.如果来电者坚持要求与客人通话,应通知宾客服务经

7、理.6. Where a caller requests information such as, hotel occupancy, average rate, names of long stay guests, names of companies frequently to the hotel, etc. refer call to the Guest Service Manager.作为酒店的一员,当客人(电话)问询敏感的酒店信息时要严格保密。敏感信息包括:酒店出租率、平均房价、长住客人名单、合同公司名单等,请告知宾客服务经理处理。7. If the caller persists notify the Front Office Manager.如果对方坚持询问,请通知前厅部经理Reviewed by : Approved by: _ Division Head General Manager酒店管理手册前厅、客房、餐厅、人事、保安、工程、营销、行政、总经办开业、入职、招聘、设计、程序、标准、SOP酒店管理之家


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