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希尔顿Hilton国际酒店培训技能培训师 Session 4 - Practice Session 1 & Checking Training.doc

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希尔顿Hilton国际酒店培训技能培训师 Session 4 - Practice Session 1 & Checking Training.doc_第1页
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希尔顿Hilton国际酒店培训技能培训师 Session 4 - Practice Session 1 & Checking Training.doc_第2页
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1、P R A C T I C E S E S S I O N 1 & C H E C K I N G T R A I N I N G1Practice Session 1 & Checking TrainingYou should allow 200minutes for this module. The following table outlines the time required for each section of the session and the resources you will need in order to conduct the various games an

2、d exercises.Practice Session 1135 minsSession StructureChecking Training60 minsPreparation for Practice Session 25 minsTo preparePractice Session 1Draw up practice session plan for responsibilities before the session as shown in the guide.Practice Session 1We have two broad tasks today. Firstly, the

3、 one Im sure you think is most important: your first training practice session. But equally important, well spend the remaining part of the morning on an essential aspect of any learning - how you check the training. Checking Training is the third part of our four part training structure.Lets get st

4、arted on your practice training sessions. As I explained at our last session, your training sessions this morning wont be complete as we have yet to cover checking training. So you will stop before you ask your trainee to practice the whole task without stopping.Session4I C O N K E YShow overheadAsk

5、 participantsFlipchartTime required135 mins2Allocate each participant with a number from 1 - 6Firstly, I would like you to study this flipchart which outlines the plan for responsibilities during the practice sessions. Display the following flipchart.Practice Session 1TrainerTraineeObservation of tr

6、ainers:Beginning ConsolidationDemonstration , ExplanationTrainee Involvement,Question TechniquePace/level, Commitment, Enthusiasm1234562345613456124561235612346123453Please study this chart carefully. In each training session you will have a different responsibility. Everyone will have a turn at bei

7、ng: trainer, trainee and observer. As observers you will be required to focus on one aspect of the training session: beginning & consolidation, demonstration & explanation, trainee involvement & question technique and lastly, pace/level, commitment and enthusiasm.Note the order in which each person

8、will play trainee: if possible choose the participants who seem potentially more able to run the first and last session, because trainees will remember these best.Note the name of the trainee for each session.Allocate each observer a different part of the feedback checklist during each practice sess

9、ion. The chart above suggests how this would work with six participants; if there are fewer than six, allocate the list accordingly.Distribute handout 1Here is a copy of the assessment criteria on which well base our feedback. I would like each of the four observers at any session to concentrate onl

10、y on the areas they have been allocated.Remember that when you give your feedback, it must be clear and relevant to the checklist points. Be ready to praise each trainer when he or she does something well. Equally, be willing to advise on any areas the person could improve.Lastly, dont worry about m

11、aking a mistake or getting something wrong - mistakes are part of learning. We are all here to develop our skills today.4Remind the first trainer that he/she has 10 minutes and that you wont allow anyone to run over that time.Ask the trainer to contact the first trainee and get started, and then you

12、 move to sit in one of the vacated chairs, as part of the observation group.Since this is each participants first real practice as a skills trainer, they may not be familiar with how to use an observation checklist as the basis of their feedback. Therefore as you observe each training session, use t

13、he observation checklist to remind you of what to look for, so that you can add extra feedback that a particular observer has missed.After 10 minutes, stop the training session and then manage the participants feedback, allowing a maximum of 10 minutes. A suggested procedure follows:Ask the trainer

14、to briefly say how they feel their session went. (1 min)Ask the trainee how effective their learning has been in the time available (1 min)Ask each observer in turn to give the trainer brief feedback based on their checklist questions, starting with the person who observed the beginning section. (1

15、min each)When each person gives feedback, ensure that it is given in a positive, constructive way. Feedback should be both accurate and supportive. It should begin with what the trainee did well balanced by what they can improve for next time: be prepared to guide participants if necessary.Summarise

16、 the main feedback points yourself and give any extra feedback points. Then check the trainer has clear ideas for self-development and is happy about them. (4 mins)Finally, thank the trainer for their hard work.5Repeat the above process for each training session.When all participants have completed

17、their practice session thank the group for their work and ask them to fill out their self-development forms.Distribute handout 2I would like you to spend the next 5 minutes filling out this self-development form. This will give you an opportunity to reflect on how your practice session went and the

18、feedback you received. It will also allow you to plan for your next complete training session next week.Checking TrainingIn your training sessions so far, your trainees have not had the chance to practice the whole skill. They have only practiced each stage separately. And you need to learn how well

19、 you have done as a trainer.This session will enable you to:Explain why it is important to be sure of the effectiveness of training.Identify four steps to checking the training.Consider how you might support your trainee back at work.In being sure of training, we want to know two things: that your t

20、rainee has learned and understood the task correctly, and how effective your training has been.How can we check the effectiveness of our training session?How to check training? There are 4 steps to follow:Ask the trainee questionsObserve the trainee practicing the whole taskAsk the trainee to explai

21、n what they are doing.60 minsThis session will enable you to:6Consider how you might give the trainee support back at work.And why do we want to check training?Why check training?To help the trainee feel confident in their new skillTo make sure they will do the task effectively at workTo spot any pr

22、oblems or misunderstandings that we need to sort outTo feel confident about our own training.Why are we asking questions again?To check that the trainee can recall and understand the key points.What word can we use at the start of a question to make sure the trainee has understood something?Why?Reme

23、mber that we dont want to introduce any new points at this stage, this would only confuse the trainee. And there shouldnt be any points if we have trained effectively. We should ask the trainee if they have any questions so that they can clarify anything that they are not sure about.In some ways thi

24、s stage is like consolidation. What is the only difference?We are asking questions about the whole task, not just about any one stage.Why is it important to practice the whole task?Because that is what they will be expected to do in the workplace.If the trainee makes a major error during the practic

25、e, should we interrupt the practice to mention it? And what if it is a minor one?We should point it out because it will affect the end result and they will be practicing the wrong way to do the skill.If possible give an example based on one of the participants training topics.If the error is a minor

26、 one we can point it out at the end so as not to distract the trainee unnecessarily.7Dont forget when giving feedback to the trainee to reinforce what they have done well. This will give them confidence and will motivate them to do the task well at work.We now have an almost complete structure of a

27、training session: three of its four parts. In checking training we ask the trainee questions to be sure they understand what to do and why, and they we observe the trainee practicing and then give feedback.What other information might be useful to the trainee in this checking training stage?Seek the

28、 following responses from participants:The name of someone who can provide more information.Where to find any relevant printed material, such as standards, menus etcOther times or situation when the learned task might be useful.Ways the trainee might apply the new skill or develop it in the future.T

29、he next step. Its important that anyone learning a new skill has some support back at work the first few times they do it. Remember that Back at Work is the fourth and last of the four parts of skills training. We will be covering this part after our second practice session next week.Before we concl

30、ude today, I would like you to read through the following handout.Distribute handout 3This contains some key questions that we could ask at the checking training stage of a How to pour a bottle of lager skills training session.Discuss the questions with participants.And thats it for today. Next week

31、 you will run a complete training session. I would like you to repeat the training session you conducted today and add the Checking Training stage. Your session should include both a verbal and practical check. Please use this Checking Training sheet to plan your final stage.The structure of the training session8Distribute handout 4I would also like you to develop your Beginning and Session Breakdown according to the feedback you have received today.Any questions?Thank participants for their hard work and close the session.


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