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希尔顿Hilton国际酒店培训技能培训师 Session 2 - Beginning & Task Analysis workbook.doc

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希尔顿Hilton国际酒店培训技能培训师 Session 2 - Beginning & Task Analysis workbook.doc_第2页
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1、B E G I N N I N G A N D T A S K A N A L Y S I S1Beginning & Task AnalysisIntroduction and welcomeDo you remember each of the 4 parts in the structure?By the end of this session, youll be better able to:INTEREST your learner at the start of the trainingAppreciate the link between standards and qualit

2、yIdentify the steps and standards in any taskDistinguish between the steps and stages of a task.Beginning the TrainingWhat is the first thing that we need to do at the beginning of a training session?Session22So the Beginning of a training session contains 3 key elements.Standards and QualityWhy are standards so important?3Task AnalysisWhy do we bother with these standards?4Staging a taskWhen staging a task you need to take into account three factors:


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