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希尔顿Hilton国际酒店培训技能培训师 Session 3 - The Session Breakdown.doc

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希尔顿Hilton国际酒店培训技能培训师 Session 3 - The Session Breakdown.doc_第1页
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希尔顿Hilton国际酒店培训技能培训师 Session 3 - The Session Breakdown.doc_第2页
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1、T H E S E S S I O N B R E A K D O W N1The Session BreakdownYou should allow 165 minutes for this module. The following table outlines the time required for each section of the session and the resources you will need in order to conduct the various games and exercises.Session StructureIntroduction10

2、minsTask Analysis review10 minsMaking Training Interactive60 minsConsolidating Learning20 minsOffering and Receiving Feedback50 minsConsolidation15 minsFamous PersonWrite name of a famous person on one side of a piece of cardTo prepareFlipchartPrepare flipchart for the feedback exercise.Introduction

3、 and welcomeThis morning we have learned about the role of the skills trainer, how people learn, how to begin the session by INTERESTING your trainee, and what to consider when planning your training. In particular we spent a long time exploring task analysis - learning how to divide a training task

4、 into steps, standards and stages.Session3I C O N K E YShow overheadAsk participantsFlipchartTime required10 mins2Well spend this session exploring all the things to do in the middle of training - The Session Breakdown. We will consider how to involve the trainee by giving them things to do and ques

5、tions to answer - what we call making the training interactive. And how to consolidate what they have learned at each stage.By the end of this session you will be able to:Explain why it is so important to make your training interactive.Understand how to make your training interactive.Know the type o

6、f questions to ask a trainee.Help the learner consolidate what they have learned.Explain why feedback is so important.Give and receive feedback with confidenceRecognise the factors that help and hinder the feedback process.Task Analysis ReviewHow did you get on with analysing your tasks?Write the fo

7、llowing questions on the flipchart. Ask participants to work in pairs, reading each others notes, and giving feedback in answer to the questions.Is the task divided into clear steps and stages?Are the steps accurate and realistic?Are the stages in the most logical places to break the demonstration?A

8、re the standards appropriate?By the end of this session you will be able to:10 mins3Remind participants about the guidelines for giving feedback. They are to start with positive comments about what their partner has done well in the task analysis and then to mention one or two areas for improvement

9、next time.Allow participants ten minutes to read and give each other feedback. Move round the pairs, helping anyone as necessary. When they have finished, highlight good points and summarise any key learning points that have arisen.Making Training InteractiveNow well explore how to make training int

10、eractive and why this is so important.What would happen if I talked to you for the next two hours?Encourage participants to be honest.BoredDanger of falling asleepUnable to concentrateFind it difficult to remember what the trainer has saidLittle learningDo you remember what we discussed this morning

11、 about learning needs?To learn a new skill effectively, we must WANT to learn it, we must DO something and we must have time to DIGEST what weve learned. In our training structure, the Beginning aims to help trainees WANT to learn a new skill but its the Session Breakdown that involves them - helps

12、them learn actively. This interactivity helps us as trainers too. What do you think are the benefits to the trainer?60 mins4Seek the following responses from participants:You build a relationship with your trainee.You have a clear idea how well the trainee is learning.You maximise the effectiveness

13、of the training.You enjoy the training.What does the session breakdown consist of?Break the task down into logical stepsDemonstrate the task in stages.Explain and ask questions during the demonstrationEnsure the trainee can see the demonstration clearlyAllow the trainee to practice a stage before mo

14、ving onWork at the trainees pace and levelGive supportive feedback to encourage the trainee.So how can we encourage the trainee to participate?By asking questionsBy asking them to practice.By encouraging them to ask you questions.By training in stages.So this is what happens in the Session Breakdown

15、.Session BreakdownIn the first stage:The trainer:The trainee:DemonstratesWatchesExplainsListensThe Session Breakdown5QuestionsAnswersObservesPracticesIn the second stage this is repeated. And if there is a third or fourth stage it is repeated again and again.If we are to involve the trainee by askin

16、g questions we need to know the type of questions to ask. Questions enable us to check the trainees understanding, to involve them and to encourage the trainee to work things out for themselves.When should we ask questions?In the beginning sectionTo check what the trainee already knows.In the sessio

17、n breakdownAs you are demonstrating a stageBefore the trainee begins to practice a stage.After the trainee has finished practicing a stage, to emphasize key learning points.What words do we use to start questions?Seek the following responses from participants and write them on the flipchart.Who, Why

18、, When, Where, What, How, WhichDo, Is, Are, Shall, Have.Lets look at some of these words. Can you give me examples of questions starting with Do, Is, Are, Shall or have?Encourage participants both to ask such questions and to try answering them.Whats wrong with these questions?They lead to a very sh

19、ort answer: just YES or NO. This is why they are called CLOSED questions.6For example:If I say Do you understand? and you say Yes, what difficulty might I have?The problem is that I dont know whether that is true or not.In order to check I would have to ask more questions.Cross out the words Do, Is,

20、 Are, Shall and Have on the flipchart.The words that are left are called OPEN questions. Theyre open because they encourage the other person to answer in more than one or two words. And they are easy to remember - with the exception of How they all begin with Wh: Who, What, When, Where, Why, Which -

21、 and How!Famous Person ExerciseHave a card ready with the name of a famous person written on it. Show trainees the blank side of the card, explain that youve written down the name of someone famous, and ask them to ask you any questions they like to find out who this person is. There are two rules:

22、1) they must ask open questions. Explain that you will not answer closed questions. 2) They cannot ask WHO until they feel sure they know who the person is. Ask each person in turn to give you any question starting with one of the open question words other than who. Dont make this too easy - and loo

23、k out for all the closed questions.As well as closed questions, there are some other types of questions we should avoid.For example:What does a skills trainer do?Whats wrong with this question?Its too vague. Try to ask questions that need a clear, specific answer.Questions to avoid asking7Ask partic

24、ipants to suggest clear, specific questions to you.Continue to go through each question on the overheadYou do enjoy your work, dont you? - a leading question. It tells the listener what you want them to say.Is he correct? - a closed question.What time of day do we serve afternoon tea? - The answer i

25、s in the question. As soon as we make it more specific: At what time do we begin to serve afternoon tea?, the question is clearer and more appropriate.What should I do next? - Well theres nothing wrong with the question in itself, but we need to be aware that the trainee might be guessing the answer

26、. So if you do use such a question, you should then ask WHY? This encourages the trainee to reason it out and you can check they understand correctly.What should we say when the trainee answers correctly?Praise the correct answer and repeat the answer to confirm it.What if their answer is wrong?Dont

27、 just say NO. Rephrase the question and recall key points to give the trainee a second go at answering. To just say NO is demoralising.If the trainee simply does not know the answer then rephrase the question, and recap on key points. If they still dont know, explain the answer and reassure them. Sa

28、y something like dont worry, lots of people find this difficult at first.What about answering the questions the trainee puts to you!Why should we encourage the trainee to ask questions?They feel involvedThey can clarify detailsThey might want additional informationThey might even have good ideasWhat

29、 do you do if a trainee asks a question and you dont know the answer?Admit you dont know and say that youll find out. If you bluff the answer and the trainee realises that you are bluffing you will lose their trust in you.8Now we are going to spend some time completing our task analysis sheet. In th

30、e centre of the sheet is a blank column. This is where we insert our questions.Question Exercise (Part One)To start, I would now like you to take out your task analysis sheet I gave you this morning on pouring a bottle of lager.Check that everyone still has a copy of the lager task analysis sheet; h

31、and out spare copies as necessary.What question could we ask in step 1?Encourage responses from participants. Ask them to recall your demonstration this morning.How can the customer check they are getting the brand they asked for?What do we look for when inspecting the bottle?Why must the bottle be

32、clean and not chipped?How did I derive these questions?Directly from the standards I had already identified.What about step 2?The main question here was a safety question:What dangers can there be when using a bottle opener?And what about step 3?Why should we be careful when lifting the cap off the

33、bottle?How can we tell that the lager is fresh?Whats wrong with leaving all the metal caps lying about?Distribute handouts 1 and 2.Here is a handout to remind you of the main points weve made about asking questions. There is also a copy of my task analysis sheet, complete with questions.9Question Ex

34、ercise (Part Two)Please take your task analysis sheets and devise questions that will help your trainee to understand how to do each step, and why. Allow 10 minutes for this exercise.As participants work, move round checking that they are managing to set appropriate questions.We have now looked at h

35、ow important it is to ask questions to make the learning interactive; what questions to avoid and you have the questions that you will ask your trainee when you do you first practice session next week.Consolidating LearningI want to introduce you next to another training task: that we call consolida

36、tion.What do you think I mean by consolidation?Seek the following responses from participants:Reviewing what has been learned.Making sure the trainee understands what to do.Pulling whats been learned together.The objective of consolidation is to review the training so that the trainee can DIGEST wha

37、t theyve learnedRemember that word? Digesting is one of the key ingredients of effective learning.So when should we help the trainee consolidate what theyve learned?At the end of each stage.At the end of the training, to pull it all together.What sort of questions should we ask?20 minsConsolidation

38、Training10WHY questions are most useful because they:Help the trainee to think things throughHelp us to check whether they understand correctly.Consolidation ExercisePlease add some consolidation questions to the end of your training and also at the end of any stage.Allow participants about 5 minute

39、s to write their consolidation question, helping individuals as necessary.So far in this session, we have unpacked most of the things that happen in the Session Breakdown.At each stage you:Demonstrate each step within the stage.Explain what is happening.Ask questions to involve the trainee.Observe a

40、nd support the trainee.The trainee:Watches you demonstrate.ListensAsks and answers your questions, and thenPractices the stage.You then consolidate the stage and then begin the next stage.Any questions?When we return from afternoon tea we will explore feedback.Reviewing the Session Breakdown11Break

41、for afternoon tea.Offering and Receiving FeedbackStart this last section of the session by asking each participant the same question.How is this programme going so far for you?Allow each person to respond, valuing any contribution they make. When everyone has spoken, thank them and clear up any poin

42、ts or questions they have made as necessary.You have just given me feedback on this programme. What does feedback mean?Feedback simply means giving someone a response on how things are going. It might be a response to what someone has said or done, or something they are showing you. It tells them ho

43、w well they are doing.For the rest of the afternoon we are going to explore feedback, why it is important and how to give and receive feedback.Lets begin by looking at some feedback styles.Feedback can be both verbal, as your was just now, and nonverbal. Types of Trainers ExerciseI would like you to

44、 try this exercise. Its aim is to give you an insight into the impact on the trainee of what a trainer says or does. 50 mins12Divide the participants into pairs. In each pair one person is the trainee and the other is the trainer. Each trainee is to write on a flipchart as many of the elements of th

45、e Session Breakdown as they can recall. Each trainer is to watch their trainee, pretending to be the type of trainer they have been allocated. They will pretend to be one of the following types of trainers:The Critical Trainer - criticises every small errorThe Insecure Trainer - quiet, not sure what

46、 to do or sayThe Over enthusiastic Trainer - excited about everythingThe Patronising Trainer - behaves smugly, pats people on the back.The Reluctant Trainer - looks away and is bored.The Over Helpful Trainer - fusses over the trainee and is over helpful with the answers.Encourage the trainers to act

47、 their parts as well as they can.Allow participants 5 minutes to do this exercise. At the end ask each of the trainees talk about how they felt. Emphasize the key point that each of these types of trainers demonstrates unhelpful feedback behaviours.13So if all of these behaviours are unhelpful, how

48、should a good trainer give feedback?Seek the following responses from participants:Gives the trainee their full attentionUses positive body language and eye contactSmiles and nods to support and reassure the traineeIs friendly and shows respect.Praises the trainee getting something rightReassures th

49、e trainee when something goes wrongGives the trainee space to think things through for him/herselfAllows the trainee sufficient practice time to get it right.Gives feedback as soon as possible.Feedback Role Play ExerciseIts all very well to know what a good trainer should do in giving feedback, but

50、its quite a different thing to do it in practice. So heres an exercise to help you practice giving feedback.In a moment, Ill give each of you a sheet with a question on it. Id like each of you to try answering the question as best you can, without checking your handouts or talking to anyone else.I w


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