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高中英语选择性必修四 Unit 5 Lauching your career复杂句子剖析.docx

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1、新人教选修第四册Unit 5 Lauching your career复杂句子剖析1.I want to become a lawyer because I think fairness and justice is of great importance to society, and I hope I can make some contribution in that respect.(P52)我想成为一名律师,因为我认为公平和正义对社会非常重要,我希望我能在那方面做出一些贡献。【词汇精讲】 justice n.公平;公正;合理People there are demanding equ

2、al rights and justice.那里的人们要求平等的权利和正义。The laws are based on the principles of justice.法律是以公正为原则。Some TV sets dont have the sound quality to do justice to the music.一些电视机的音质不好,无法播出好的音乐效果。The old man is respected by others because he has a strong sense of justice.老人受到他人的尊重,因为他有很强的正义感。2.There was a hug

3、e debate about whether the reporter should be accused of spying on the star couple.(P52)关于这位记者是否应该被指控暗中监视着这对明星夫妇的罪名争论激烈。【词汇精讲1】accuse vt.控告;控诉;谴责Her assistant was accused of theft and fraud by the police.她的助手被警方指控犯有盗窃和欺诈罪。I dont think its fair to accuse me of having an attitude problem.我觉得指责我有态度问题有失

4、公允。The government was accused of/was charged with incompetence.政府被指责不称职。He accused his boss of/charged his boss with having broken his word.他指责老板不守信。【词汇精讲2】spy n.密探;间谍vi.从事间谍活动vt.突然看见;发现He was walking down the street when he spied an old friend.他正沿街走着,突然看见了一位老朋友。That day he spied on her while preten

5、ding to work on the shrubs.那天,他假装在修剪灌木,秘密对她进行监视。He spent many years as a spy for the enemy.他为敌人做间谍已许多年了。Smith was charged with spying on British military bases.史密斯被指控在英国军事基地从事间谍活动。She was accused of spying for the enemy.她被指控为敌方间谍。3.So I come to a conclusion that if you want a great career, you need

6、to commit yourself to something meaningful.(P52)所以我得出一个结论,如果你想要一个伟大的事业,你需要致力于一些有意义的事情。【词汇精讲】come to a conclusion得出结论We cannot come to a conclusion until all the evidence has been examined.在所有的证据被调查清楚前,我们不能下结论。I quickly came to a conclusion that I liked making other people happy.我很快得出了一个结论,那就是我很喜欢让别人

7、幸福。What conclusions do you draw from the evidence youve heard?你从听到的证据中得出了什么结论?Researchers conclude that the French tend to stop eating when they feel full.研究者推断出当法国人感到吃饱的时候往往会不再吃了。He concluded his speech with a famous saying.他的演讲以一个著名的格言结束。The first time I observed the process of water being split i

8、nto oxygen and hydrogen,I was deeply attracted by the charm of chemistry.(P52)第一次观察到水被分解成氧和氢的过程,我深深地被化学的魅力所吸引。【句式剖析】本句是一个复合句。I was deeply attracted.是主句,the first time是名词短语,在此用作连词,引导的是时间状语从句。I remember the first time I danced on the stage. I was very nervous.我还记得自己第一次登台跳舞的时候,我很紧张。My friend called on

9、me the first time he came to Beijing.第一次来北京时,我朋友就拜访了我。【句式拓展】下列名词短语可引导时间状语从句(1)each time/every time每次Each time he smiled at me, a thread of warmth and friendship flowed into my heart.每次他向我投以微笑时,他同时也将一丝丝温暖和友情送入我的心房。Each time he tried, the system cancelled the transaction.每次他尝试下单时,系统就会取消交易。(2)the last

10、time最后一次I well remember the last time they visited us.我清楚地记得他们最后一次拜访我们的情景。Jerry kept thinking of the last time theyd met.杰里老想着他们最后一次见面的情形。(3)the next time下次The next time you make a decision, youd better ask me first.下次你做任何决定时最好先问问我。The next time you need financial advice, come and see me.下次你需要理财建议时,

11、就来找我Therefore, when a person from one of these cultures is speaking and suddenly stops,what may be implied is that the person wants the listener to consider what has been said before continuing.【分析】本句的结构比较复杂,我们首先找出句子的谓语。分析句子结构可知,句子的谓语是is,其主语是what may be implied.,也就是主语从句。确定了主语和谓语,下一步我们要找出句子的其他成分。when

12、引导的是时间状语从句,其中is speaking和stops是并列谓语;that the person.其后面的内容作连系动词is的表语从句;what has been said是consider的宾语从句;before continuing是省略句,作时间状语。【译文】因此,当这些文化的人说着话突然停下时,这可能暗示了说话的人想让听者在他继续说话之前考虑一下。To people who are used to the limited choice of apples such as Golden Delicious and Royal Gala in supermarkets, it can

13、 be quite an eye opener to see the range of classical apples still in existence, such as Decio which was grown by the Romans.【分析】该句比较长,去掉who引导的定语从句,两个such as.短语,以及which引导的定语从句,句子的主干为:To people, it can be quite an eye opener to see the range of classical apples still in existence.【译文】对于那些习惯于在超市仅有的金冠苹

14、果和皇家嘎啦中挑选的人来说,看到像Decio等罗马人种的经典苹果仍然大范围存在,真是大开眼界。Those given night milk, which contained 10 times the amount of melatonin, were less active and less anxious than those fed with the milk collected during daytime, according to the study published in The Journal of Medicinal Food.【分析】分析句子结构可知,该句的主句是Those

15、.were less active and. than those.。which引导的是非限制性定语从句,than引导的是比较状语从句。given和fed with是过去分词作定语,可扩展为定语从句:Those who were given.和those who were fed with.。10 times the amount of melatonin后面省略了of the milk collected during daytime。【译文】根据刊登在药用食品杂志的一篇研究报道,喂了夜晚采集的奶的老鼠,含有10倍的褪黑激素,和喂了白天采集的奶的老鼠相比,不活跃,也不那么焦虑。Apple t

16、rees had been introduced here only thirty or forty years before, and not until after Liberation, particularly in the last few years, did they began to be planted on a large scale.【分析】本句总体上是一个由and连接的并列句。第一个分句比较正常,但是第二个分句较为复杂。我们首先找出句子中的连接词not until.,根据此判断后面的句子是倒装句。【译文】在这里种植苹果树只不过是近三四十年的事情,开始大规模种植,却是在解放之后,尤其是近几年以来。5


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