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高中英语选择性必修四 人教版(2019)UNIT 4 Sharing中英文对照.docx

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高中英语选择性必修四 人教版(2019)UNIT 4 Sharing中英文对照.docx_第2页
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1、UNIT 4 Reading and Thinking第四单元VOLUNTEERING IN THE BUSH在丛林里做志愿者8 March3月8日I just got a parcel from home! It took about two weeks to arrive,and it was a bit damaged,but it was so nice to get some sweets and jam from home;Ive been dying to have some of my favourite sweets,and its always nice to get ma

2、il!我刚从家里收到一个包裹!它花了大约两个星期才到达,而且有点破损,但能从家里弄到一些糖果和果酱真是太好了;我一直渴望得到一些我最喜欢的糖果,收到邮件总是很好!So Ive been here in the jungle for about a month now. My secondary school is a bush school. The classrooms are made of bamboo,with clay floors and roofs of grass. It takes me only a few minutes to walk to school down a

3、dusty track covered in weeds. When I reach the school grounds,Im greeted by a chorus of“good morning”from the boys. Unlike students in our country,these boys do not wear cotton uniforms,and many of them also have to walk a long way,sometimes for up to two hours,just to get to school.我已经在丛林里呆了一个月了。我的

4、中学是一所灌木学校。教室是竹子做的,地板是粘土,屋顶是草。沿着布满杂草的尘土飞扬的小路,我只花了几分钟就走到了学校。当我到达学校时,男孩们齐声向我问好。与我国学生不同的是,这些男孩不穿棉服,他们中的许多人也要走很长的路,有时要走两个小时,才能到学校。Theres no electricity, running water or even textbooks,not to mention laptops,tablets,or other modern devices! All the students have are pencils,rubbers,and paper. Im still tr

5、ying to adapt to these conditions. Ive had to become much more imaginative in my teaching. Science is my most challenging subject as my students have no concept of doing experiments. There is no equipment,and since there isnt even a washroom,if I need water I have to carry it from my house in a basi

6、n! Its important not to be too rigid about rules here,too. The other day I was showing the boys a chemistry experiment when,before I knew it,the mixture was bubbling out of the test tube spilling everywhere! The class became a circus as the boys,who had never come across anything like this before,st

7、arted jumping out of the windows. Sometimes I wonder how relevant chemistry is to these studentsfew will ever become chemistsand most will be going back to their villages after Year 8 anyway. To be honest,I doubt whether Im making any difference to these boys lives at all.没有电,没有自来水,甚至没有课本,更不用说笔记本电脑,

8、平板电脑,或其他现代设备了!所有的学生都有铅笔、橡皮和纸。我还在努力适应这些条件。我必须在教学中变得更有想象力。科学是我最具挑战性的科目,因为我的学生没有做实验的概念。因为没有设备,甚至连洗手间都没有,如果我需要水,我就得用脸盆把水从家里拿出来!这里的规则也不要太死板,这很重要。前几天我给孩子们看一个化学实验,不知不觉,混合物从试管里冒出来,到处都是!这个班成了一个马戏团,因为男孩们以前从来没有遇到过这样的事,他们开始从窗户跳出来。有时我想知道化学对这些学生有多重要,很少有人会成为化学家,而且大多数人在8年级之后都会回到自己的村庄。老实说,我怀疑我是否能改变这些孩子的生活。17 April4月

9、17日Last weekend I made my first visit to a remote village,home to one of our students,Tombe. Another teacher and I walked for two and a half hours to get therefirst,up a mountain from where we had fantastic views,and then down a shaded path to the valley below. When we arrived at the village,Tombes

10、mother,Kiak,saw us coming and started crying“ieee ieee”. We shook hands with all the villagers. Everyone seemed to be related to Tombe.上周末我第一次去了一个偏僻的村庄,那里是我们的一个学生汤贝的家。我和另一位老师先走了两个半小时到达那里,爬上一座山,从那里我们可以看到美妙的景色,然后沿着一条阴暗的小路走到下面的山谷。当我们到达村子的时候,汤贝的母亲凯看到我们来了,就哭了起来。我们和所有的村民握手。每个人似乎都和汤比有关系。Tombes father,Mukap

11、,a man with a strong jaw and a wrinkled forehead,led us to his house,a low,round bamboo hut with no windows,with a door just big enough to get through,and with grass sticking out of the roofthis shows it is a mans house. Such housing is dark inside so it took time for our eyes to adjust. Fresh grass

12、 had been laid on the floor and there was a platform for Jenny and me to sleep on. There was a fireplace in the centre of the hut. The only possessions I could see were one broom,a few saucers,a kettle ,cups,pans ,and a couple of jars.Tombe的父亲,Mukap,一个强壮的下巴和皱巴巴的额头,把我们领到他的房子,一个低矮的,圆的没有窗户的竹屋,门刚好够穿过,屋顶

13、上有草,这表明这是一个男人的房子。这样的房子里面很暗,所以我们的眼睛需要时间来调整。新鲜的草铺在地板上,还有一个供我和珍妮睡觉的平台。小屋中央有一个壁炉。我所能看到的只有一把扫帚、几个碟子、一个水壶、杯子、平底锅和几个罐子。Mukap built a fire outside and laid stones on it to heat. He then placed the hot stones in an empty oil drum with kau kau,ripe corn,and greens. He then covered the vegetables with banana l

14、eaves and left them to steam. It smelled delicious. We ate inside the hut sitting round the fire. I loved listening to the family talking softly to each木卡普在外面生了一堆火,并在上面放了石头加热。然后,他把滚烫的石头放在一个空油桶里,里面装着秋葵、成熟的玉米和青菜。然后他用香蕉叶覆盖蔬菜,让它们蒸一下。闻起来很香。我们坐在火炉旁的小屋里吃饭。我喜欢听家人彼此轻声交谈other in their language,even though I c

15、ould not participate much in the conversation. Luckily,Tom be interpreted for us.其他人用他们的语言,即使我不能参加太多的对话。幸运的是,汤姆能为我们翻译。Later,I noticed a can standing upside down on the grill over the fire. After a while,Tombe threw it out of the doorway. Tombe told me that the can was heated to dry out the leftover

16、food. His family believes that leftovers attract bad spirits in the night,so any leftover food is dried up in a can and the can is then thrown out of the hut.后来,我注意到一个罐子倒立在炉火上方的烤架上。过了一会儿,汤比把它扔出了门口。汤比告诉我,罐头是加热的,以使剩下的食物变干。他的家人认为,剩菜会在晚上招来坏情绪,所以任何剩菜都要放在罐头里晾干,然后把罐头扔出小屋。We left the village the next mornin

17、g after many goodbyes and firm handshakes. My muscles were aching and my knees shaking as we dragged ourselves down the mountain towards home. That evening I fell happily into bed. It was such a privilege to have spent a day with Tombes family.第二天早上,我们在多次道别和握手之后离开了村子。我的肌肉酸痛,膝盖发抖,我们拖着自己下山回家。那天晚上我高兴地躺

18、在床上。能和汤贝的家人呆一天真是太荣幸了。UNIT 4 Using Language第四单元使用语言Hello! My name is Zhan Bingbing.你好!我叫詹冰冰。Lately,all of us have seen Chinese people on TV in far-off places in the world,helping other countries to develop. We see Chinese workers building roads in the Congo,a port in Pakistan,railways in Panama,and a

19、n airport in Sri Lanka. And we see Chinese miners,oil workers,agricultural experts,mechanics,and doctors working in nearly every corner of the world. And some people may ask,“Is it worth it? Why help people overseas when China has many areas that are still in need of development?”最近,我们都在电视上看到中国人在世界遥

20、远的地方帮助其他国家发展。我们看到中国工人在刚果修建公路,在巴基斯坦修建港口,在巴拿马修建铁路,在斯里兰卡修建机场。我们看到中国矿工、石油工人、农业专家、机械师和医生几乎在世界的每个角落工作。有些人可能会问,“值得吗?中国还有许多需要发展的领域,为什么还要帮助海外的人呢?”I had the same questions myself. But for me,it was much more personal. You see,my mother is a medical doctor,and for the last two years,she has been working as a v

21、olunteer consultant in Tanzania,Africa,as a part of a medical team sent by the Chinese government.我自己也有同样的问题。但对我来说,这更私人。你看,我母亲是一名医生,近两年来,她一直在非洲坦桑尼亚做义工顾问,是中国政府派出的医疗队的一员。To be honest,when my mother first left for Africa,I was upset. My mother cooked me dinner every night,and she took good care of me.

22、But more importantly,she was my best friend. We talked together,we spent our leisure time together,and except for school and work,we were never apart. So I was unhappy about her leaving without even asking for my input.说实话,当我母亲第一次去非洲的时候,我很难过。我妈妈每天晚上都给我做饭,她很照顾我。但更重要的是,她是我最好的朋友。我们一起聊天,一起度过闲暇时光,除了上学和工作

23、,我们从未分开。所以我很不高兴她没有征求我的意见就走了。But then I began to hear about the work she was doing in Tanzania,a country that has many health problems,and now I am singing a different tune. Many dangerous diseases which are rare in China are quite commonly contracted in Tanzania. And,while the country is quite beaut

24、iful and has much natural wealth,many of the people are quite poor and live without things we take for granted, such as electricity,running water,cars and good transport systems,and supermarkets. One project that my mother worked on was helping to build a cardiac hospital. Prior to this,if a Tanzani

25、an had a heart condition and needed surgery,they would have to go abroad. Since this was quite expensive,many people went without medical treatment and some even died. Now,not only are Tanzanians helped by the hospital,but people in neighbouring countries are helped as well. It has made a big differ

26、ence to their lives. My mother also does a circuit of the rural villages to provide medical treatment,help those with disabilities,and provide consultation and training for local doctors. In addition,her team has given patients a new malaria treatment invented in China,and this has saved many lives.


28、队还为患者提供了中国发明的一种新的疟疾治疗方法,这挽救了许多人的生命。Today,I want to relay to you that Im proud of the work my mother has done,and I am now supportive of it. Is her work worth it? Yes,to the lives of the people she is helping,it is worth it. But by any criteria this work is worth it to us as well,because it shows tha

29、t we are global citizens interested in world stability,and that we feel responsible for others and are ready to build a community with a shared future for mankind. Everyone deserves a fair chance in life. When I think of all the things that we as Chinese citizens can be most proud of,helping others

30、comes at the top of this list. Now that I understand how important my mothers work is,Ive decided to become a volunteer myself to help people in other lands. In the future,I pray that you will do the same.今天,我要向大家转达,我为我母亲所做的工作感到骄傲,现在我支持这项工作。她的工作值得吗?是的,对她所帮助的人来说,这是值得的。但从任何标准来看,这项工作对我们来说都是值得的,因为它表明,我们是对世界稳定感兴趣的全球公民,我们感到对他人负责,并准备建立一个拥有人类共同未来的社会。每个人在生活中都应该有一个公平的机会。当我想到我们作为中国公民最值得骄傲的事情时,帮助别人排在首位。现在我明白了母亲的工作是多么重要,我决定自己成为一名志愿者,帮助其他国家的人们。今后,我祈祷你也会这样做。Thank you!谢谢您!


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