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1、 Writing Group of English, Yilin Press and Oxford University Press (China) Limited 2019“Oxford” is a registered trademark of Oxford University Press普通高中教科书英语编写组、译林出版社和牛津大学出版社 (中国) 有限公司 2019Oxford 为牛津大学出版社的注册商标。版权所有。未经版权所有人书面许可,不得在任何地区以任何形式、任何媒介、任何文字翻印、仿制或转载本书的内容、文字或图片。普通高中教科书英语选择性必修 第四册主 编 王守仁 何 锋副

2、主 编 顾爱彬 范红升编 写 Jo Cummins 胡 明 邢文骏 丁晓红 魏 惠 葛余健 杨建芬责任编辑 丁晓红 潘志娟 高睿君 梁 健 马绯璠装帧设计 韦 枫 胡 苨 黄 晨 牛津大学出版社 (中国) 有限公司设计部出 版 译林出版社地 址 南京市湖南路 1 号 A 楼邮 箱 购买热线 4009289069教材热线 02583658349, 83672889发 行 江苏凤凰出版传媒股份有限公司印 刷 江苏凤凰新华印务集团有限公司开 本 890 毫米 1240 毫米 1/16印 张 8版 次 2021 年 12 月第 1 版印 次 2021 年 12 月第 1 次印刷标准书号 ISBN 97

3、87544789202定 价 9.74 元版权所有 侵权必究译林版图书若有印装错误可向出版社调换,质量热线: 02583658316同学们:欢迎使用 普通高中教科书英语 !本册教材围绕 “人与自我” “人与社会”的主题语境, 依托话题丰富、 文体多样的语篇, 引领你通过一系列英语学习活动, 发展英语学科核心素养。现在, 让我们走进教材, 开启一段有趣的英语学习之旅。每个单元首页的 Welcome to the unit 板块是你单元学习的起点, 借助视频、图示、 文字等形式多样的语篇激发你的学习兴趣, 帮助你初步了解单元主题, 为单元学习作好热身准备。随后, 你将进入一个非常重要的学习环节Re

4、ading 板块。在这里, 你将有机会阅读关于诚信和责任、 有效沟通、 工作的意义、 终身学习等话题的语篇, 感受真实、 地道、 优美的英语, 为未来的学习和生活作准备。你可以通过一系列多维度、 分层次的阅读活动, 深入探究主题意义, 提升语言能力、 文化意识和思维品质。 来到 Grammar and usage 板块, 你将在语篇中观察、 探究语法现象,自主归纳语法规则, 并在新的语境和活动中正确使用语法。接下来, 在 Integrated skills 板块, 你将综合运用听、 说、 读、 看、 写的技能, 完成语言技能融合的活动。随后, 在 Extended reading 板块, 你将

5、进行拓展阅读, 通过观点表达等活动, 进一步探究主题意义, 培养优秀品行, 实现个人发展。在 Project 板块, 你将和同学一起开展合作学习、 探究学习, 完成一项综合性、 实践性活动。Assessment 板块以开放性问题的形式提供自评、 互评等多种评价方式, 促使你及时反思并调整学习行为, 提升学习能力, 使学习更有成效。在 Further study 板块, 你可以根据自身的学习情况来选择教材推荐的资源在课后进行自主学习、 拓展学习, 继续体验英语学习的快乐。祝你在这段英语学习之旅中, 带着梦想, 快乐而自信地前行!普通高中教科书英语 编写组2021 年 12 月前 言UnitWel

6、come to the unitReadingGrammar and usageIntegrated skills1 Honesty and responsibility (p. 1)(p. 1)Two listsAfter Twenty Years (p. 2)A short storyTip: Analysing the plot (p. 4)Overview of adverbial clauses (p. 6)Understanding white lies(p. 8)2 Understanding each other (p. 15)(p. 15)A videoEffective c

7、ommunication(p. 16)A lecture transcriptOverview of relative clauses (p. 20)Discussing the popularity of learning Chinese(p. 22)Tip: Using fillers (p. 24)3 Careers and skills(p. 29)(p. 29) A videoWork to live, live to work (p. 30)A magazine articleOverview of noun clauses(p. 34)Making a career plan (

8、p. 36)4 Never too old to learn(p. 43)(p. 43)A leafletLearning for life (p.44)A magazine articleAnalysis of complicated sentences(p. 48)Calling for people to read more (p. 50)Tip: Matching information (p. 51)Appendices: Text notes (p. 81) Grammar notes (p. 97) Preparing for the futureCONTENTSExtended

9、 readingProjectAssessmentFurther studyWorkbook Taking responsibility(p. 11)A speech transcriptMaking a scrapbook about honesty and responsibility (p. 13)(p. 14)(p. 14)Exploring language (p. 57)Building skills (p.59)Appreciating language (p.62)Borrowed words (p. 25)A magazine articleCreating a short

10、play about communication(p. 27)(p. 28)(p. 28)Exploring language (p. 63)Building skills (p.65)Appreciating language (p.68)Tips for job interviews(p. 39)An online presentation transcriptConducting a mock job interview (p. 41)(p. 42)(p. 42)Exploring language (p. 69)Building skills (p.71)Appreciating la

11、nguage (p.74)My university life (p.53)A journal entryMaking a booklet about lifelong learning(p. 55)(p. 56)(p. 56)Exploring language (p. 75)Building skills (p.77)Appreciating language (p.80)Wordlists (p. 103) Irregular verbs (p. 119) Honesty and responsibility1You are practising responsibility when

12、you: takeagreementsseriously; correctmistakesratherthanblamingothers; thinkabouthowyouractionswillaffectothers; doeverythingtothebestofyourability.You are practising honesty when you: tellthetruthandsaywhatyoureallythink; playbytherulesanddonottrytotakeunfairadvantageofothers; keeppromisesanddonotma

13、kepromisesyoucannotkeep; arepreparedtoadmitmistakes.Inthisunit,youaregoingto: readashortstoryabouthonestyandresponsibility; writeanarticleaboutwhitelies; readaspeechtranscriptabouttakingresponsibility; makeascrapbookabouthonestyandresponsibility.Honesty and responsibility To live a life of honesty a

14、nd integrity is a responsibility of every decent person.Noam ChomskyUNIT 11 Whatdoyouthinkistherelationshipbetweenhonestyandresponsibilityaccordingtothedescriptions?2 Whatotherdescriptionsofhonestyandresponsibilitycanyouaddtothelists?Welcome to the unitHonesty and responsibility are at the core of o

15、ur moral values. Read the lists below about honesty and responsibility and discuss the following questions in pairs.Twenty YearsAfterUnit 12510152025ReadingFrom time to time, people find themselves in situations where they have to make a difficult choice concerning their moral values. The short stor

16、y below is about someone who has to make such a choice. Before you read the story, think about the following questions: Whatisthemostdifficultchoiceyouhavemadeinyourlifesofar? Doyouthinktimecanchangeaperson?Whyorwhynot?Thepolicemanonthebeatwalkedalongthestreetashealwaysdid.Itwasbarelytenoclockatnigh





21、meetmehereifhesalive,forhealwayswasthetruestandmostreliablefellowintheworld.Hellneverforget.Icameathousandmilestostandinthisdoorwaytonight,anditsworthwhileifmyoldpartnerturnsup.”Honesty and responsibility3Thewaitingmanpulledoutahandsomewatch,setwithsmalldiamonds.Itwasthreeminutestoten.“Illbeonmyway,






27、umyself,soIgotaplain-clothesmantodothejob.JIMMY.”(AdaptedfromO.Henrysshortstoryofthesametitle)303540455055Unit 14A Understanding the textA1 Read the short story and complete the plot diagram below.A3 In pairs, discuss the following questions.1 Howdoyouliketheendingofthisshortstory?2 Whatdoyouthinkis

28、themessageofthisshortstory?3 Supposingthestorydidnotendhere,whatwouldhappennext?A2 Read the short story again carefully and answer the following questions.1 WhydidBobstandinthedoorwayofastoretowaitforhisfriend?_2 WhyhadBobleftNewYorktwentyyearsbefore?_3 WhattimedidthemaninthelongovercoatmeetBob?_4 H

29、owdidBobrealizethatthemaninthelongovercoatwasnotJimmy?_5 WhendidJimmyknowBobwasthecriminalwantedinChicago?_TipPlot refers to a series of events within a story, which are put in sequence according to the principle of cause and effect. To analyse the plot, we try to grasp its five main elementsintrodu

30、ction, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution.Analysing the plot Falling action:(3)_Climax:(2)_Introduction:JimmywenttoseehisfriendBobattheagreedlocation.Rising action:(1)_Resolution:(4)_Honesty and responsibility5B Building your languageB1 Jimmy Wells wrote a diary entry after his old

31、 friend, Bob, was arrested. Complete the diary entry with the correct forms of the words and phrases in the box below. Learn this Detaileddescriptionshelpbuildupapictureofthepersonbeingdescribed.Beacarefulobserverfirstandthentrytowritedownwhatyouhaveobservedtogiveadetailedandvividdescription.B3 The

32、short story contains many detailed descriptions about Bob. Find these details in the story and try to describe a person using details. B2 The short story uses different phrases with “down” and “under”. Fill in the blanks using the correct forms of the phrases in the left box below and try to think o

33、f more phrases formed this way. There are two phrases you do NOT need to use.Iwalkeddownthestreetshortlybeforetenoclockandarrivedwhere“BigJoe”Bradysusedtobe.Therewasamanstandingthereinthedoorway.Iwalkeduptohim,andhestartedtalkingabouta(n)(1)_hehadmadetwentyyearsearlier.Whenhelithiscigar,Icouldseehis



36、ehellcomebackoneday.arrest jaw barely make ones fortuneappointment anyhow reliable lose contact break downcut downslow downtear downunder arrestunder attackunder pressure1 Twelvepeoplewere_inconnectionwiththeattack.2 Thisreportistoolongandneeds_.3 Someoftheoldbuildings_,andmoreaffordablehousingwould

37、beputup.4 Working_forlongperiodsmayleadtohealthproblems.5 Theprojectcan_intoseveralsteps.Unit 16Working out the rulesAdverbialclausescanbeintroducedby:if,unless, as long as,etc.toexpress(1)_;until,when,while,etc.toexpresstime;wheretoexpressplace;because, as,since,in that,etc.toexpress(2)_;so that,in

38、 order that,etc.toexpress(3)_;that withsoorsuchinthemainclausetoexpressresult;andalthough,though,even if,etc.toexpressconcession. Grammar notes pages 9798Amongeverygenerationtherearethosewhoarewillingtobeartheheavyburdenofresponsibilityanddevotethemselvestoworkingforthegoodoftheircountryandpeople.Th




42、ngexcelledwherehewasworkingandmadesubstantialcontributionstohiscountry.HismissionstomaptheworldundertheEarthssurfacehelpeddiscovervaluablemineralresourcesandbroughtChinasknowledgeandtechnologyinthisareaalongsidetheworldsfinest.Adverbial clause of conditionAdverbial clause of timeAdverbial clause of

43、placeAdverbial clause of reasonAdverbial clause of purposeAdverbial clause of resultAdverbial clause of concessionAlthough he spent many years in the UK, .Grammar and usageOverview of adverbial clausesA Exploring the rulesBelow is a news story about a Chinese scientist. Find the sentences with adver

44、bial clauses and fill in the table below. The first one has been done for you.Honesty and responsibility7B Applying the rulesB1 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences with adverbial clauses. B3 Describe a person practising honesty and responsibility using adverbial clauses. B2 The news

45、 story below is about a social media influencer. Complete it with the correct adverbial clauses in the box below. There are two clauses you do NOT need to use. Write the letters in the blanks.1 Jake/sothat/he/gotupearly/toexercise/wouldhavetime/beforeclass_2 although/theystill/editedthephotos/looked

46、/shehadnot/verygood_3 he/wenttowork/nothinghadhappened/asif_4 shewas/likedher/herteacher/because/sohard-working_5 I/donottellme/when/people/getveryupset/thetruth_6 if/youare/be/theywill/nicetootherpeople/nicetoyou_Lilyusedtobeafitnesscoachandasocialmediainfluencer.Thenumberofherfollowersreachedamill



49、losedheronlineaccount.a After she had deleted over 2,000 photosb in order that they can promote their productsc While these photos won her many fansd because many other people do the same thinge so that she looked more attractive in the photosf because I was cheating my fansg Although she still post

50、ed her photos onlineUnit 18Integrated skillsUnderstanding white liesA Tim has found two accounts of the same event. Read the accounts below and answer the following questions.1 WhatwasthewhitelieAnnetoldandwhydidshetellthelie?_2 HowdidGrandmafindoutthetruthandhowdidshefeel?_The ugly truth“Happybirth


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