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高中英语选择性必修四 Unit3 Sea Exploration Using Language 案.doc

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1、Unit 3Sea ExplorationUsing Language词汇积淀素养初探. 根据语境写出正确的单词1. the migration (迁移) routes of birds2. a directory (电话号码簿) of hotels3. exploit (开发) ones talents4. a 20-gallon (加仑) fish tank5. a murder (凶杀) case 6. a heart full of mercy (仁慈)7. make public property ones private possession (拥有)8. a political

2、opponent (反对者)9. logged (载入正式记录的) 30, 000 air miles in April10. marine (海的) exploration11. the arrest (逮捕) of a criminal suspect. 根据语境用恰当的介、副词填空1. There was a mass migration of poverty-struck farmers into the cities. 2. She appealed to the judge to have mercy on her husband. 3. The home team was in

3、possession during most of the fourth quarter. 4. She was stopped outside the shop and placed under arrest. . 翻译下列课文原句并观察黑体部分1. Plastic pollution is also bad, killing many birds and fish, and has even been found in our tap water. 塑料污染也很严重, 杀死了许多鸟和鱼, 甚至在我们的自来水中也发现了。2. There are probably vast amounts o

4、f resources under the sea and ice, not just oil and gas but also valuable minerals. 海洋和冰下可能蕴藏着大量的资源, 不仅仅是石油和天然气, 还有宝贵的矿物。3. Hopefully, as technology improves, we may have more options for managing this balance. 希望随着技术的进步, 我们可以有更多的选择来控制这种平衡。阅读精研素养构建. 文本整体理解: 理清文章架构1. Skim the passage and fill in the

5、blanksText 1(1)Sea exploration has caused many problems More exploration means more (2)pollution. (3)Mining for resources is very damaging. (4)Overfishing is another problem. Text 2Sea exploration is important for our (5)future. More research is (6)necessary. We need new (7)resources for future deve

6、lopment. (8)Environmental risks should be balanced with economic needs. 2. What is the text type of the passage? A. Narration. (记叙文)B. Argumentative essay. (议论文)C. Expository writing. (说明文)D. Practical writing (应用文)答案: C3. Whats the main idea of this passage? Text 1 is mainly about the problems caus

7、ed by sea exploration but Text 2 centers on the importance of sea exploration for humans. . 文本细节理解: 探寻语篇细节信息1. Choose the best answer(1)Why does the writer mention the Deepwater Horizon? A. To show it has more gallons of oil. B. To explain its influence on animals. C. To stress the bad effect of pla

8、stic. D. To prove it has caused serious pollution. (2)What is the main idea of the third paragraph? A. The speed of the melting ice in Arctic. B. The discovery of fossil fuels in Arctic. C. The damaging resources in the Arctic. D. The influence of climate on the Arctic. (3)What does the first writer

9、 think of the sea? A. It belongs to humans. B. It is the habitat of life. C. It is less sensitive actually. D. It is the possessions of future generations. (4)What makes it necessary for us to explore seas? A. The development of technology. B. The value of minerals under the sea. C. The rising numbe

10、r of population. D. The occurrence of earthquakes. 答案: (1)(4)DDBC 2. Reread the passage and fill in the blanksThe problems of exploring seaMore exploration means more(1)pollutionGallons of oil is spilled into the seaPlastic pollutionMining for resources is very(2)damagingClimate change makes (3)ice

11、lessLook for more fossil fuels further northThe ice will melt more(4)Overfishing is another problemSea exploration is important for our future.Help address important issues such as (5)climate changeUnderstanding more about the seaHelp us manage its (6)resources betterLogging new (7)speciesImprove ou

12、r understanding of life on the earth. Accessing the deep oceanHelp us to predict (8)events such as earthquakesNew resources for growing (9)populationMore resources under sea and ice Balance the (10)economic needs and environmental risks . 文本素养提升: 阅读技能综合运用1. 根据课文语境与语句知识细致解构语句译文: 由于气候变化, 现在的冰减少了, 这意味着

13、我们可以在更远的北方寻找更多的化石燃料。译文: 我们需要了解我们的星球正在发生什么, 这样我们才能采取行动。 2. 阅读主题活动(1)What is overfishing? Overfishing is closely tied to bycatchthe capture of unwanted sea life while fishing for a different species. This, too, is a serious marine threat that causes the needless loss of billions of fish, along with hu

14、ndreds of thousands of sea turtles and cetaceans. The damage done by overfishing goes beyond the marine environment. Billions of people rely on fish for protein, and fishing is the principal livelihood for millions of people around the world. (2)What did we learn from the Deepwater Horizon disaster?

15、 The Deepwater Horizon blowout caused gas and oil to spill into the Gulf of Mexico for 87 days. Years after this environmental disaster, scientists studying the spill better understand the complex processes that affect how oil transforms and degrades in the water and just how resilient ecosystems ca

16、n be to such a disturbance. The disaster response also did nothing to clear up debates about chemicals called dispersants that are often used in spill cleanups. Researchers hope that the technological advances over the past decadeand the knowledge gainedwill better prepare the world for the next big

17、 spill. (3)How do human activities affect the oceans? Human activities affect nearly all parts of the ocean. Lost and discarded fishing nets continue to lethally snare fish, seabirds, and marine mammals as they drift. Ships spill oil and garbage; they also transport critters to alien habitats unprep

18、ared for their arrival, turning them into invasive species. Mangrove forests are cleared for homes and industry. Climate change currently affecting the planet because of high greenhouse gas emissions from humans is strikingly reflected in the oceans. The greenhouse gas carbon dioxide is also turning

19、 ocean waters acidic, and an influx of freshwater from melting glaciers threatens to alter the weather-driving currents. 要点精研素养奠基1. mercy n. 仁慈; 宽恕; 恩惠*Although this was banned in 1982, some countries are still “murdering” these intelligent creatures without mercy. 尽管这在1982年被禁止, 但一些国家仍然毫不留情地“谋杀”这些聪明

20、的生物。*Having lost the engines power, the boat was now at the mercy of the wind. 发动机坏了, 这艘船现在任由大风摆布。*He was such a cruel man that he showed no mercy to others. 他是一个那么残酷的人以至于他对别人毫无怜悯之情。*They had mercy on their neighbor for he suffered a lot. =They showed mercy to their neighbor for he suffered a lot. 他

21、们对邻居表示同情, 他受的苦难太多了。show mercy to sb. 怜悯某人have mercy on对表示怜悯at the mercy of 任凭的摆布; 在的支配中without mercy残忍地, 毫无同情心地【即学活用】语法填空(1)He will be generous and merciful (mercy) to those who are weaker than himself. (2)So pitifully did she plead that the Baron grew calm and decided to have mercy on her. (3)They

22、showed little mercy to the enemies. (4)The policemen shot the crocodile without mercy. (5)The boat was at the mercy of the rapid river. 2. possession n. 个人财产; 拥有; 控制*The sea is home to life, not human beings possessions. 海洋是生命的家园, 而不是人类的财产。*The company that Tom is in possession of was once in the po

23、ssession of his uncle. 汤姆现在拥有的公司曾经是他叔叔的。*On her fathers death, she came into possession of a vast fortune. 父亲死后, 她继承了一大笔财产。*We didnt take possession of the car until a few days after the auction. 拍卖会过后几天, 我们才真正拿到了那辆车。be in possession of sth. 拥有/占有某物be in the possession of sb. /be in ones possession为

24、某人所有; 归某人所有have possession of拥有 come into possession of占有某物 get/take possession of 占领; 夺取【即学活用】语法填空(1) He is in possession of the house. = The house is in the possession of him. (2)He took possession of a lot of jewels from Mr White. (3)He had come into possession of a large fortune. (4)Does the you

25、ng man standing there have possession of the company? 3. arrest n. 逮捕; 拘留; 中止vt. 逮捕; 拘留; 阻止*A $5 million reward has been announced for information leading to the arrest of those responsible for the murder. 一项500万美元的悬赏已经公布, 以获得逮捕那些对这起谋杀事件负责的人的信息。*He is said to be under arrest for spreading online rum

26、ors. 据说他由于传播网络谣言被捕了。*An unusual painting arrested his attention. 一幅异乎寻常的画引起了他的注意。*After the match three youths got arrested. 比赛过后, 有三个青年被捕。*He was arrested for faking some famous paintings. 他由于伪造一些名画而被逮捕。arrest sb. for sth. 因逮捕某人get arrested (人)被逮捕arrest ones attention引起某人的注意be under arrest被逮捕make a

27、n arrest进行逮捕【即学活用】(1)She was arrested for drug-related offences. 她因涉嫌毒品犯罪而被捕。(2)You shouldnt do things like that. You could get arrested! 你不应该做那样的事。你会被捕的! (3)The bright colours of the flowers arrested the girls attention. 花的艳丽色彩引起了那姑娘的注意。(4)Youre under arrest. Youre here to assist my investigation.

28、你已经被捕了, 你来这里是协助我办案的。读写结合表达升级如何写辩论性文章海洋探测辩论性文章属于议论文。议论文主要针对某一观点或问题(一般为有争议的观点或问题)发表议论和看法, 因此写此类文章时要考虑的论据多为正反两个方面。通过对有争议的观点或问题的不同看法进行比较, 然后进行分析和评论, 最后提出自己的看法, 表达自己支持或反对的态度并加以论证说明, 得出结论。假如你是李华, 学校即将举行以“Is it necessary for humans to explore oceans? ”为题目的英语作文比赛, 请按照下列要求写一篇80词左右的议论文。要点如下: 1. 使海洋可持续发展2. 了解海

29、洋环境3. 更好地了解气候完成句子1. 它可以建立更好地理解环境变化所需的基本信息。It can establish the basic information needed to better understand environmental change. 2. 这有助于科学家解决目前的情况。It helps scientists to address current situations. 3. 这有助于科学家预测未来可能出现的情况。It helps scientists to predict the future situations that may emerge. 4. 它还可以让

30、我们了解海洋中可利用的物质, 生命形式是如何生存的, 以及人类如何在海底生存或充分利用深海资源。It can also give us knowledge about what are available in oceans, how the life forms live, and find out how humans can survive down there or make good use of the depths resources. 5. 海洋是我们赖以满足食物、能源等需求的资源之一。The sea can be one of the resources for us to

31、rely on to fulfill the needs such as food, energy, etc. 6. 它还可以帮助我们跟踪发生在海洋上的气候变化以及可能影响我们生活的因素。It can help us keep track of the climate changes that happen to the ocean and what might affect our life. 7. 海洋探险对人类有很大的好处。Sea exploration will be of great benefit to humans. 句式升级8. 用which非限制性定语从句合并句1, 句2和句

32、3It can establish the basic information needed to better understand environmental change, which helps scientists to address both current situations and to predict the future situations that may emerge. 9. 用because合并句4和句5 It can also give us knowledge about what are available in oceans, how the life

33、forms live, and find out how humans can survive down there or make good use of the depths resources, because the sea can be one of the resources for us to rely on to fulfill the needs such as food, energy, etc. Is it necessary for humans to explore oceans? I agree with the view that it is necessary

34、for humans to explore seas. First, it can establish the basic information needed to better understand environmental change, which helps scientists to address both current situations and to predict the future situations that may emerge. Moreover, it can also give us knowledge about what are available

35、 in oceans, how the life forms live, and find out how humans can survive down there or make good use of the depths resources, because the sea can be one of the resources for us to rely on to fulfill the needs such as food, energy, etc. In addition, it can help us keep track of the climate changes th

36、at happen to the ocean and what might affect our life. In sum, sea exploration will be of great benefit to humans. 1. 话题词汇(1)monster怪物(2)attack袭击(3)creature生物(4)sighting目击(5)hairy多毛的(6)frightening吓人的(7)mysterious神秘的2. 话题句式(1)The Grey Man is a frightening creature that lives in Scotland. 灰人是生活在苏格兰的一种

37、可怕的生物。(2)They say that the low-temperature sea is unlikely to be able to support such large living creatures. 他们说水温这样低的海里不可能有体型如此巨大的生物生存。(3)He claims to have seen a round black creature moving quickly through the water. 他声称看见了一个圆的黑色生物在水中快速移动。(4)The rich marine biological resources, mineral resources

38、, chemical resources and power resources are an indispensable resource treasure house of human. 丰富的海洋生物资源, 矿产资源, 化学资源和电力资源是人类赖以生存的必不可少的资源宝库。(5)The main objective of the current marine conservation is to protect marine biological resources. 当前海洋保护的主要目标是保护海洋生物资源。(6)We should maintain the regeneration

39、ability of marine biological resources and the natural purification capacity of water, preservation of the marine ecological balance in order to ensure the sustainable human development and utilization of ocean. 我们应该保持海洋生物资源的再生能力和水的自然净化能力, 维护海洋生态平衡, 以确保人类的可持续发展和海洋的持续利用。课时检测素养达标. 根据语境及汉语提示写出正确单词1. As

40、 a result of this westward migration (迁移), Americans eventually occupied the whole continentfrom the Atlantic to the Pacific. 2. Look up their number in the telephone directory (目录). 3. Carls starting college in September. Meanwhile (与此同时), hes travelling around Europe. 4. We need to make sure that

41、we exploit (开发) our resources as fully as possible. 5. We drank gallons (加仑) of coffee to keep ourselves awake. 6. Her husband was murdered (谋杀) by gunmen as she watched. 7. After the boats motor failed, they were at the mercy (仁慈)of the weather. 8. The possession (拥有) of large amounts of money does

42、 not ensure happiness. 9. Leading opponents (对手) of the proposed cuts in defence spending will meet later today. 10. Details of the crime are then logged (记录) in the computer. 11. Marine (海洋的) biologists are concerned about the effects of untreated sewage that is flowing into coastal waters. 12. The

43、 police say seven people were arrested (逮捕) for minor offences. . 选词填空without mercy, have possession of, be home to, arrest ones attention, as well as, take action1. The park is home to bears, wolves, and other wild animals. 2. Mark was mainly interested in sport at school, playing rugby as well as

44、soccer. 3. Its high time that we should take action to protect the water resources. 4. At the first sign of movement, they shot without mercy. 5. The bright colors of the flowers arrested his attention. 6. How do human beings have possession of healthy physique and self-contained mentality, when enj

45、oying affluent material life? 课时素养评价九Unit 3Using Language. 单句语法填空1. Change of climate must have had a powerful influence on migration (migrate). 2. I have in my possession (possess) a letter which may be of interest to you. 3. They have no mercy on the poor father and daughter. 4. A man is under arr

46、est following the suspicious death of his wife. 5. Fifteen million trees had been blown down by the high winds, blocking (block) roads, paths and railway lines. 6. What makes his parents worried is not his grades but that he hasnt any interest in learning. 7. Many chemicals have a damaging (damage)

47、effect on the environment. 8. Both of them have been through an awful lot and hopefully (hopeful) now I can help them rebuild their lives. 9. The audience applauded(applause) their favorite singer as she came on the stage. 10. There is nothing but criticism for the untrue coverage(cover) of the football game on the website. . 完成句子1. They were lost at the sea, at the mercy of the wind and weather. 他们在海上迷了路, 任凭风和天气的摆布。2. We can


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