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高中英语选择性必修三Unit 5 Poems Section A Reading and Thinking(教案).docx

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高中英语选择性必修三Unit 5 Poems Section A Reading and Thinking(教案).docx_第1页
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高中英语选择性必修三Unit 5 Poems Section A Reading and Thinking(教案).docx_第2页
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1、Unit 5 PoemsSection A Reading and thinking教学设计科目:英语 课题:Section A Reading and thinking 课时:1课时教学目标与核心素养:知识目标:了解诗歌形式,掌握诗歌的基本特征与语言特点,把握英语诗歌的韵律和节奏能力目标:能够结合已有的背景知识,抓住英文诗歌的特点,掌握解析英文诗歌的方法情感目标:在日常生活中恰如其分的表达赞美和鼓励教学重难点教学重点:引导学生观察并掌握语篇的文本结构特点,指导学生快速有效地获取信息教学难点:启发学生解析诗歌作品,表达对诗歌的感受课前准备:多媒体,黑板,粉笔教学过程:一、Pre-class1.

2、 Greeting2. Leading-in教师活动:(1)引导学生观察并讨论主题图。教师呈现单元主题图,鼓励学生说出对图片的印象。教师可将学生说的相关词汇列在黑板上,例如:Nouns: forest, woods, trees, roads, choiceAdjectives: beautiful接着,教师引导学生代入场景,提出问题供学生思考并回答:If you were walking in a forest and came to a crossroad like this, what would you do? Why?(2)谈论对诗歌的理解。学生讨论Look and discuss的

3、第二个问题。When you think of the words “poem” or poetry, what comes to mind? 教师可以从诗歌的内容作用、特点等方面启发学生思考,然后将学生的回答列在黑板上并适当分类。例如:Theme: nature, love, friendshipFeelings/Emotions: happiness, sorrow, anger, regretPoetic devices: rhyme, simile若学生背景知识不够充分,回答有困难,教师也可提出更加具体的问题供学生讨论。二、 While-class 教师活动:引导学生讨论不同文学体裁的

4、特点。教师可呈现以下问题供学生小组讨论,让学生列出已知的文学体裁,简要归纳体裁特点,提供相关例子。What are the different forms of literature that you already know about? Can you give an example?What are the characteristics of each form of literature?讨论诗歌体裁的特点。教师可先呈现活动1的第一个问题,然后用一首学生非常熟悉的儿歌引入话题,例如:Twinkle twinkle little star. How I wonder what you

5、are. Up above the world so high. Like a diamond in the sky. 讨论人们创作诗歌的目的和原因。教师让学生根据活动1的第二个问题开展头脑风暴,鼓励他们发表个性观点,然后以思维导图的方式将学生的回答展现在黑板上。例如: Why do people write poems?(1)学生活动学生快速阅读课文,教师可通过以下问题引导学生获取文章大意、文本结构和关键细节信息,同时验证前面的猜测是否正确。What does the passage mainly discuss? How many parts can it be divided into?

6、 How many types of English poems are mentioned? What are they?(2)找出不同类型诗歌的特点。学生阅读第二至第六段,教师要求学生从各段找出不同类型诗歌的特点,填写活动2中表格的第二栏。Type of poemCharacteristicsExampleTopics and poetic devicesNursery rhymeconcrete but creative languageAlove between father and baby rhymes, repetitionList poemlists of things, pe

7、ople, ideas, or descriptions of a particular theme flexible line length repeated phrases for patterns and rhythmBnaturerepetitionCliferepetitionCinquainsimple formfive linesDbrother strong picture or moodHaiku17 syllables three lines containing 5,7, and 5 syllables respectivelyEnatureTang poemstruct

8、uredFwaiting(3)朗诵诗歌。教师播放录音,学生边听边模仿朗读。随后,教师让学生自行演练,然后请不同的学生有节奏、有感情地朗读诗歌。三、After-class学生活动:教师通过提问引导学生谈论自己所喜欢的诗歌,例如:Which poem do you like best? Why? Does each of the poems weve read paint a picture in your mind? Which poem does? What is the picture?四、Summary 总结课上所学。让学生尝试独立写一首五行诗或俳句,或以小组合作形式模仿阅读文本中的某一首诗歌进行创作。教师要提醒学生注意格式、字数、音节数等,所写的诗作要有主题,能传递某个画面和某种情感。


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